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Java Static Members

All objects in a class share the same fields and methods, even though the values of object fields usually differ. A class can also have fields and methods that are common to all objects. We refer to this concept as static members, declared with the static keyword.

Class variables

class variable (static field) is a field declared with the static keyword. It can hold any primitive or reference type, just like a regular instance field. A static field has the same value for all class instances. This is because it belongs to the class, rather than to an instance of the class.

If you want all instances of a class to share a common value, like a global variable, it's preferable to declare it as static. This approach can help save memory as all the created objects share a single copy of a static variable.

You can directly access static variables by the class name. To access a static field, you should write:


Now let's take a look at an example. Here is a class with two public static variables:

class SomeClass {

    public static String staticStringField;

    public static int staticIntField;

We can set their values and retrieve them:

SomeClass.staticIntField = 10;
SomeClass.staticStringField = "it's a static member";

System.out.println(SomeClass.staticIntField); // It prints "10"
System.out.println(SomeClass.staticStringField); // It prints "it's a static member"

Typically, declaring non-final public static fields is not a good practice. In this case, we use them simply as an example.

You can also access the value of a static field through an instance of the class.

SomeClass.staticIntField = 30;

SomeClass instance = new SomeClass();

System.out.println(instance.staticIntField); // It prints "30"

Now let's dive into a more complex example. The following class has a static field named lastCreated. The field records the date of the last created instance.

public class SomeClass {

    public static Date lastCreated;

    public SomeClass() {
        lastCreated = new Date();

Every time a new object is created, the value of the static field changes in the class constructor.

The following code creates two instances and prints intermediate results:


SomeClass instance1 = new SomeClass();

SomeClass instance2 = new SomeClass();

Here's the result:

Sun Aug 20 17:49:24 YEKT 2017
Sun Aug 20 17:49:25 YEKT 2017

Class constants

Static fields with the final keyword are class constants, which means they cannot be changed. According to the naming convention, constant fields should always be written in uppercase with an underscore (_) to separate different parts of the name.

The standard class Math, for example, contains two static constants:

public static final double E = 2.7182818284590452354;

public static final double PI = 3.14159265358979323846;

Constants are often public, but it's not a rule.

To see how they work, let's declare a class named Physics with two static constants, check out this code block:

class Physics {

     * The speed of light in a vacuum (m/s)
    public static final long SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 299_792_458;

     * Electron mass (kg)
    public static final double ELECTRON_MASS = 9.1093837e-31;

To use the constants, let's write the following block of code:

System.out.println(Physics.ELECTRON_MASS); // 9.1093837E-31
System.out.println(Physics.SPEED_OF_LIGHT); // 299792458

Since those fields are constants, we cannot change their initial values. If we try to do it, we'll get an error:

Physics.ELECTRON_MASS = 10; // compile-time error

Class methods

A class may have static methods as well as static fields. Such methods are also known as class methods. A static method can be accessed by the class name and doesn't require an object of the class.

Static methods can be called directly with the class name. To access a method, you should write:


A static method may have arguments like a regular instance method or it may have no arguments. But, unlike instance methods, static methods have several special features:

  • a static method can access only static fields and cannot access non-static fields;
  • a static method can invoke another static method, but it cannot invoke an instance method;
  • a static method cannot refer to this keyword because there is no instance in the static context.

Instance methods, however, can access static fields and methods.

Static methods are often used as utility methods that are the same for the whole project. As an example, you can create a class with only static methods for performing typical math operations.

The Java class library provides a lot of static methods for different classes. Here are just a few of them:

  • the Math class has a lot of static methods, such as Math.min(a, b)Math.abs(val)Math.pow(x, y) and so on;
  • the Arrays class has a lot of static methods for processing arrays such as toString(...);
  • Long.valueOf(...)Integer.parseInt(...)String.valueOf(...) are static methods too.

Here is a class with one constructor, a static method and an instance method:

public class SomeClass {
    public SomeClass() {
        invokeAnInstanceMethod(); // this is possible here
        invokeAStaticMethod();    // this is possible here too
    public static void invokeAStaticMethod() { 
        // it's impossible to invoke invokeAnInstanceMethod() here
    public void invokeAnInstanceMethod() { 
        invokeAStaticMethod();  // this is possible

This example shows that you can invoke a static method from the instance context (constructors and instance methods), but you can't invoke an instance method from a static context.

The only way to call an instance method from a static one is to provide a reference to this instance as an argument. You can also create class objects of other classes and call their methods in a similar way. Here's an example:

public static void invokeAStaticMethod(SomeClass someClassInstance) {

    // calling instance method from static context by passing instance as an argument

    // calling instance and static methods of AnotherClass instance
    AnotherClass anotherClassInstance = new AnotherClass();

An example of a static method is the main method. The main method should always be static.


The static keyword is one of the most essential features in the Java programming language, and in this topic, we discussed static fields and methods and some situations where we can use them to tackle programming challenges. It is important to remember that static members cannot access the values of object fields since there is no instance context (this). Nonetheless, they are a good option for providing a set of common constants (together with final) and utility methods for the whole project.

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