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Encapsulating Object Creation in Java

Creating objects in factories

Sometimes we have a hierarchy of classes with one base class (or interface) and several subclasses, and we need to create a new subclass object depending on its type. Instead of writing a new operator in client code; where we will use the objects, it is convenient to encapsulate the code for creating objects in a separate place and call it from the client code. These places are known as factories. They produce instances of classes related to the same hierarchy. Factories allow us to simplify the client code and protect it from changes when new classes are added to the hierarchy.

So, a factory is a way of creating objects, when one part of a program (a class or a method) creates objects and another one processes them.

There are several kinds of factories: static factorysimple factoryfactory method, and abstract factory. In this topic, we will study only the first two; they are often referred to as idioms rather than design patterns. But the latter two are real design patterns that rely on similar principles as those idioms.

Static factory idiom

As an example, we will consider the following hierarchy of computers:

class Computer {
    private long ram;
    private long cpu;
    // getters and setters

class PC extends Computer { 
    // additional members

class Laptop extends Computer { 
    // additional members

The static factory is the simplest factory that we can write. It has one static method which creates objects of the hierarchy. The method takes a required type as a string or enum argument and returns a corresponding subclass instance through the base class.

To create new computers, we invoke the static factory passing a required type:

class ComputerStaticFactory {
    public static Computer newInstance(String type) {
        if (type.equals("Computer")) {
            return new Computer();
        } else if (type.equals("PC")) {
            return new PC();
        } else if (type.equals("Laptop")) {
            return new Laptop();
        return null; // if not a suitable type

Depending on the passed type, a suitable branch will execute. We also can write the same using switch.

The following client code snippet creates two computers: a laptop and a PC:

public class FactoryClient {
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        Computer pc = ComputerStaticFactory.newInstance("PC");
        System.out.println(pc instanceof PC); // prints "true"
        Computer laptop = ComputerStaticFactory.newInstance("Laptop");
        System.out.println(laptop instanceof Laptop); // prints "true"

It is not difficult to declare a new class that extends Computer and modify the factory to create instances of a new class.

There are several possible implementation features:

  • the method newInstance of ComputerStaticFactory takes an enum type to restrict possible values;
  • the method newInstance throws an exception if an unsuitable type is passed instead of returning null;
  • move the method newInstance directly to the base of the hierarchy: Computer class;
  • a factory can have multiple methods that produce instances of different classes or an instance of a default class.

Simple factory idiom

The simple factory idioms differ from the static factory because the method for creating objects is non-static.

class ComputerFactory {
    // it may contain some fields
    public Computer newInstance(String type) {
        if (type.equals("Computer")) {
            return new Computer();
        } else if (type.equals("PC")) {
            return new PC();
        } else if (type.equals("Laptop")) {
            return new Laptop();
        return null;

In the client code example, we should create an instance of the factory and then invoke the newInstance method as shown below:


ComputerFactory factory = new ComputerFactory();
Computer pc = factory.newInstance("PC");

The simple factory idiom has the same properties as the static factory. But, unlike the static factory, it is possible to create multiple differently parameterized factories to control instantiating. You can also subclass the factory and override its non-static method that is used to create other factories.


We have considered two factory idioms in action: static factory and simple factory. They are not really design patterns, but both are nevertheless useful in practical programming; other factories rely pretty much on the same principles. According to these principles, we use Java encapsulation to hide the details of object creation. This is done by placing the code for creating objects of a hierarchy in a special place (the factory). A factory has a method that takes a type of the required object as its parameter and returns a suitable instance to the client code. It protects the client code from changes in the class hierarchy and makes it simpler to understand and maintain.

In object-oriented programming, the factory pattern plays an important role in providing a balance between flexibility and simplicity. It abstracts the object creation process, ensuring that clients don’t need to worry about the specifics of how objects are instantiated, thus promoting code reusability. Another thing to remember is that a factory may have multiple clients that need to create objects, avoiding code duplication by centralizing the object creation logic in the factory method. This approach aligns with the principles of object-oriented design by focusing on clean separation of concerns, making it easier to maintain and evolve the codebase over time.

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