C++ Structures

What are Structures in C++?

In programming, structures help organize and manage data efficiently. C++ offers structures to allow users to define custom data types. They enable programmers to group related variables together, forming a cohesive unit that is easy to manipulate and access. Structures can be used to create complex data structures like linked lists, trees, and graphs, helping manage large amounts of data. In C++, structures offer a flexible and intuitive way to represent and store data, making them essential for building robust applications.

Why Use Structures in C++?

Structures in C++ are used to organize and manage related information by grouping different data types into a single type. This makes handling and manipulating complex data structures easier.

  • Grouping Different Data Types: Structures allow combining variables of different types, such as integers, characters, and strings, into a single unit. This enables efficient organization and management of related data, treating each structure object as a whole.
  • Advantages: Structures enhance code readability and maintainability by encapsulating related information within a logical boundary. They provide a mechanism for passing and returning multiple values from functions, enabling the manipulation of various data types within a single function call.
  • Difference from Classes: While both structures and classes can group data members of different types, classes include member functions to operate on the data. Structures primarily focus on data organization without inherent functionality.


struct Rectangle {
    double width;
    double height;

class Circle {
    double radius;
    double calculateArea() {
        return 3.14 * radius * radius;

In this example, the Rectangle structure groups the width and height variables, while the Circle class includes a member function to calculate the area.

Structure Variables

A structure variable is a data type that allows storing multiple data fields of different types under a single name. It represents a group of related values. To access the fields of a structure variable, you first need to create an instance of the structure:

Person myPerson;

After creating an instance, you can access its fields using the dot operator:

myPerson.name = "John";
cout << myPerson.age;

Using the dot operator, you can access and manipulate individual fields within a structure variable, organizing and storing related data together.

struct Keyword

The struct keyword in C++ is used to create a user-defined data type, grouping related variables into one place. This allows for the storage of multiple data types. Structures can contain variables of different data types, such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, or even other structures. Each variable within the structure is called a member.

To declare a structure, use the struct keyword followed by an identifier (the structure name). Once declared, you can create instances of the structure, called structure objects, which can be used to access and manipulate the member variables.

Structure Type

A structure type is a user-defined data type that allows grouping various data types under a single name. To create a structure type, use the struct keyword followed by the declaration of each member inside curly braces:

struct Person {
    char name[50];
    int age;

To create a structure variable of type Person, use:

Person myPerson;

Access and modify the members of the structure variable using the dot operator:

strcpy(myPerson.name, "John");

Array of Structures

An array of structures allows organizing and manipulating multiple structures of the same type. This is useful when dealing with a dataset of multiple related items. For instance, you can create an array of Person structures to store information about multiple people. Each element of the array corresponds to a person, making it easy to access, modify, and manipulate the data.

Curly Braces

Curly braces are used to define blocks of code and control the scope of variables and functions. They enclose groups of statements that need to be treated as a single unit. In loops and conditional statements, curly braces define which statements are executed together. They also define functions by enclosing the function's code.

Integer Variables

Integer variables store whole numbers without decimal points. They are suitable for representing quantities, counts, indices, and other situations requiring exact values. Integer variables have a limited range based on the number of bits used for storage. Choosing the appropriate integer type involves a trade-off between range and memory consumption.

Char Variables

Char variables store single characters and are used to represent alphabets, digits, and special characters. They can be initialized with character values or ASCII codes. Char variables are commonly compared using logical operators and can be manipulated using arithmetic operations.

Primitive Data Types

Primitive data types are the building blocks for constructing complex data structures and objects. They are fundamental in object-oriented programming, playing a significant role in inheritance and aggregation. Different primitive data types have specific uses and limitations in terms of data storage.

Difference Between Structs in C and C++

  • C Structs: In C, structs are used for data storage and do not support member functions. They allow combining different variables under a single name.
  • C++ Structs: In C++, structs can have member functions, allowing them to have behaviors and methods in addition to storing data. C++ structs also support static members, enabling shared data or functionality among all instances of the struct.

Structure Definition

To create a structure in C++, use the struct keyword followed by the desired name and declare each member inside curly braces:

struct Person {
    std::string name;
    int age;

After defining the structure, create variables of that type:

Person person1;

You can now access and manipulate its members:

person1.name = "John";
person1.age = 25;

This way, structures help organize and operate on related data efficiently in C++.

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