Definition of Object-Oriented Programming

Object oriented programming (OOP) is a method for structuring code by dividing it into reusable components known as objects. These objects consist of both data and functions that operate on the data. OOP mirrors real world. Their interactions within a software system emphasizing modularity, reusability and scalability. Key aspects of OOP include abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism aiding developers in crafting sustainable and expandable code. Classes serve as templates for objects with the connections among these classes forming the foundation, for constructing intricate applications.

Benefits of Object-Oriented Programming

Code Maintenance

OOP helps maintain code effectively by organizing it into objects. Each object encapsulates data and methods, making it easier to manage and change one part of the code without affecting others.

Code Reusability

Inheritance in OOP allows new classes to be created based on existing ones, inheriting their attributes and behaviors. This promotes code reuse, reducing redundancy and improving efficiency.

Data Hiding

Encapsulation in OOP hides an object's internal data from outside access, enhancing security and data integrity. Changes to data can only be made through predefined methods.


Abstraction in OOP focuses on essential characteristics of objects while hiding unnecessary details. This simplifies code implementation and improves readability and understanding among developers.

Class Definition


A class is a blueprint that defines the properties (data) and behaviors (methods) of objects. It serves as a user-defined data type, encapsulating data and functions within a single entity.

Creating a Class

To define a class, use the keyword “class” followed by the class name. This creates a new class. Inside the class, declare properties (attributes) and member functions (methods).

class Car {
    std::string make;
    std::string model;
    int year;
    void start();

Member Functions

Member functions define the actions that objects of the class can perform. They are defined within the class and can access and manipulate the class's properties.

Objects and Instances of Classes


Objects are instances of a class, representing tangible entities that encapsulate data attributes and behaviors. They are created from the blueprint defined by the class.

Creating Objects

To create an object, define a class first. Then instantiate the class to create objects.

Car myCar;
Car anotherCar;

Attributes and Behaviors

Each object created from a class is unique and can have different values for its attributes. For example, objects of the “Car” class can have different colors, models, and speeds.

Class-Instance Relationship

The class defines common attributes and behaviors for its instances. Instances represent individual objects with specific values for those attributes.



Encapsulation bundles data and methods together within a class, hiding the internal workings from the outside world and providing controlled access to its members.


Encapsulation protects an object's internal state, promotes code reusability, and ensures that the object's data can only be accessed or modified in a controlled manner.


Encapsulation separates concerns, making it easier to maintain, modify, and extend code. It also enhances code security by exposing only necessary interfaces.



Abstraction hides complex implementation details and provides a simplified interface to users. It allows programmers to focus on essential aspects of an object or system.


Abstraction simplifies understanding and usage of complex systems, leading to improved productivity and reduced errors.


Abstraction enhances modifiability by separating interface from implementation. It also improves security by exposing only necessary information.



Inheritance allows a derived class to inherit properties and behaviors from a base class. It facilitates code reusability and establishes an “is-a” relationship between objects.


In C++, inheritance is implemented using the keyword “class”. The derived class inherits all member variables and functions of the base class.

Types of Inheritance

  • Single Inheritance: A derived class inherits from one base class.
  • Multilevel Inheritance: A derived class inherits from another derived class.
  • Multiple Inheritance: A derived class inherits from multiple base classes.
  • Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple derived classes inherit from a single base class.
  • Hybrid Inheritance: A combination of multiple and hierarchical inheritance.



Polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass, promoting code reusability and flexibility.

Function Overriding and Overloading

  • Function Overriding: A derived class provides its own implementation of a function already defined in the base class. The appropriate function is called based on the object's type at runtime.
  • Function Overloading: Multiple functions with the same name but different parameters are defined within the same class. The appropriate function is called based on the arguments passed.


Polymorphism allows for building modular and extensible programs by enabling generic code to work with multiple object types, improving maintainability and scalability.

Understanding Classes and Objects in C++


Classes and objects are key concepts in C++ that enable structured and modular code. Classes define the blueprint for objects, encapsulating data and functions. Objects are instances of classes, representing entities with properties and behaviors. Understanding these concepts is crucial for effective object-oriented programming.

Declaring a Class

To declare a class, use the keyword “class” followed by the class name. Include members like properties, methods, or variables within the class.

class MyClass {
    int myAttribute;
    void myMethod();

Creating Objects from a Class

To create an object, define a class and instantiate it. Use the class name followed by the object name.

MyClass obj;
obj.myAttribute = 5;

Access Modifiers in Classes


Access modifiers control the visibility of class members in inheritance hierarchies.

Types of Access Modifiers

  • Public: Members are accessible from anywhere.
  • Private: Members are accessible only within the class.
  • Protected: Members are accessible within the class and its derived classes.

Default Access Specifier

The default access specifier for a class is private. If no access specifier is specified, all class members are private by default.


class Base {
    int publicAttribute;

    int privateAttribute;

    int protectedAttribute;

class Derived : public Base {
    // Inherits public and protected attributes, but not private ones

int main() {
    Derived derivedObject;
    derivedObject.publicAttribute = 5; // Accessible
    // derivedObject.privateAttribute = 5; // Not accessible
    // derivedObject.protectedAttribute = 5; // Not accessible
    return 0;

Inheritance and Polymorphism in C++


Inheritance and polymorphism are key concepts in OOP that promote code reuse and flexibility. Inheritance allows new classes to be created from existing ones, while polymorphism enables objects of different types to be used interchangeably.

Base Class and Derived Class

A base class serves as a blueprint for defining common characteristics. Derived classes inherit these attributes and methods but can add their own unique features.


class Vehicle {
    std::string color;
    int speed;
    void start() {
        // Start the vehicle

class Car : public Vehicle {
    int numberOfDoors;
    void openTrunk() {
        // Open the trunk

class Motorcycle : public Vehicle {
    bool hasSidecar;
    void popWheelie() {
        // Pop a wheelie

In this example, Car and Motorcycle classes inherit from Vehicle, gaining its attributes and methods but also adding their own specific features.

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