C++ Inheritance

What is Inheritance?


Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming that plays a critical role in code organization and reusability. It allows for the creation of specialized classes, known as derived classes or subclasses, which inherit properties and behaviors from a base class or superclass. In inheritance, the base class acts as a blueprint, defining common attributes and methods that can be shared by multiple derived classes. By inheriting from the base class, the derived class inherits these attributes and methods, extending or modifying them as necessary. This powerful mechanism not only simplifies code maintenance and promotes code reuse, but also enables polymorphism, where objects of different classes can be treated uniformly based on their shared superclass. Overall, inheritance enhances the modularity and flexibility of object-oriented programming, facilitating efficient and scalable software development.

Why is Inheritance Important in Object-Oriented Programming?

Inheritance plays a crucial role in object-oriented programming by facilitating code reuse from existing classes. It allows developers to create new classes based on existing ones, inheriting their properties and behaviors. This saves time and effort as it eliminates the need to rewrite code, resulting in more concise and maintainable programs.

One significant advantage of inheritance in C++ is the ability to derive new classes from existing ones, enabling the creation of hierarchies. This hierarchical structure allows for the organization and categorization of objects, simplifying code complexity and enhancing code readability. Through inheritance, developers can also establish relationships between different classes, promoting a modular and efficient programming approach.

In C++, inheritance introduces three types: public, private, and protected inheritance. Public inheritance allows members of the base class to be accessible to the derived class, as well as to other objects outside the class hierarchy. Private inheritance restricts the accessibility of the base class's members to only the derived class, preventing access from any other object. Protected inheritance grants access to the derived class and its friend classes, safeguarding the members from external manipulation.

Basics of Inheritance in C++

Class Definition

In C++, the process of defining a child class and parent class involves inheritance, which allows the child class to inherit the members of the parent class. There are three types of inheritance: public, protected, and private.

In a public inheritance, the child class can access all the public members of the parent class, and these members retain their visibility mode. To define a public inheritance, the syntax is as follows:

class Parent {
    // Parent class members
    // Public members

class Child : public Parent {
    // Child class members

In a protected inheritance, the child class can access the protected members of the parent class, but they become protected members in the child class. The syntax for defining a protected inheritance is:

class Parent {
    // Parent class members
    // Protected members

class Child : protected Parent {
    // Child class members

In a private inheritance, the child class can access only the public and protected members of the parent class, and they become private members in the child class. The syntax for defining a private inheritance is:

class Parent {
    // Parent class members
    // Private members

class Child : private Parent {
    // Child class members

In summary, to define the child class and parent class in all types of inheritance in C++, the class definition must include the appropriate visibility mode (public, protected, or private) and utilize the appropriate syntax — either public, protected, or private inheritance.

Base Classes

In object-oriented programming, a base class serves as a foundation or template for creating derived classes. It contains common attributes and behaviors that can be inherited by the derived classes. Inheritance is a fundamental concept in OOP that allows the derived classes to acquire and extend the properties and methods of the base class.

Base classes provide a way to organize and reuse code efficiently. By encapsulating common characteristics and behaviors in a base class, it becomes easier to maintain and modify them. Derived classes can specialize and add more features to the base class, resulting in a hierarchical structure.

Base classes can be used to inherit both data and functions from multiple classes. This is known as multiple inheritance, where a derived class can inherit from more than one base class. In this way, a derived class can combine the characteristics of different base classes, resulting in a more versatile and flexible object.

Let's consider a practical example in C++. Suppose we have a base class called “Animal” that defines common attributes and methods for various animals. We can then create derived classes like “Dog” and “Cat” that inherit from the “Animal” class. Each derived class can have its own specialized properties and behaviors, while still being able to access the common attributes and methods from the base class.

To define a base class in C++, we use the “class” keyword followed by the class name. Different classes can then inherit this base class using the colon operator. For example, the derived class “Dog” can inherit from the base class “Animal” as follows:

class Dog : public Animal {
    // Derived class members

In conclusion, base classes play a crucial role in inheritance by serving as a template for creating derived classes. They allow for the reuse and organization of code, enable the inheritance of data and functions from multiple classes, and help create a more flexible and efficient object-oriented design.

Derived Classes

Derived classes are classes that are created from existing classes, known as base classes. They inherit the properties and behaviors of the base class, allowing for code reuse and promoting the concept of inheritance in object-oriented programming.

The syntax for creating a derived class in most programming languages involves using the keyword “class” followed by the name of the derived class, a colon, and then the visibility mode and name of the base class. The visibility mode determines the accessibility of the base class members to the derived class. The commonly used visibility modes are public, protected, and private.

In the syntax, the visibility mode is followed by the name of the base class. If a class is derived from multiple base classes, the names of the base classes are separated by commas. This is referred to as multiple inheritance.

The class derivation list is the part of the derived class syntax where the base classes are specified. It allows a derived class to inherit from one or more base classes. The order of the base classes in the derivation list is important, as it determines the order in which the base class constructors are called.

Types of Inheritance in C++

Inheritance is a powerful feature in object-oriented programming that allows the creation of new classes from existing classes. In C++, there are several types of inheritance that can be used to derive new classes with different levels of access and reusability. The types of inheritance in C++ include single inheritance, multiple inheritance, multilevel inheritance, hierarchical inheritance, and hybrid inheritance.

Single Inheritance

Single inheritance involves deriving a new class from a single base class, allowing the derived class to inherit the properties and behaviors of the base class. To implement single inheritance, the derived class is declared with the keyword “class” followed by the name of the derived class, a colon, and the keyword “public” followed by the name of the base class. This indicates that the base class is being inherited publicly by the derived class.

class BaseClass {
    // Members of the base class

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
    // Members of the derived class

In single inheritance, the base class is the class whose members are inherited by the derived class. The derived class can add new members or override the existing members inherited from the base class.

Multiple Inheritance

Multiple inheritance allows a derived class to inherit properties and behaviors from multiple parent classes. This means a derived class can possess all the attributes and methods of those base classes.

class BaseClass1 {
    // Members of the first base class

class BaseClass2 {
    // Members of the second base class

class DerivedClass : public BaseClass1, public BaseClass2 {
    // Members of the derived class

Multiple inheritance provides flexibility and reusability in software development, allowing a class to combine behaviors and attributes from different sources. However, it can introduce complexity and potential ambiguity, requiring careful design and management.

Multilevel Inheritance

Multilevel inheritance is a concept where a class inherits properties and behavior from another class, which in turn has already inherited from another class. This creates a chain-like hierarchy of inheritance.

class Grandparent {
    // Members of the grandparent class

class Parent : public Grandparent {
    // Members of the parent class

class Child : public Parent {
    // Members of the child class

Multilevel inheritance allows for a hierarchical relationship between classes, enabling the reuse of attributes and behaviors across multiple levels of the class hierarchy.

Hierarchical Inheritance

Hierarchical inheritance involves creating multiple derived classes from a single base class. Each derived class inherits the properties and behaviors of the base class and can add its own unique attributes and behaviors.

class Animal {
    void eat() {
        std::cout << "Animal can eat." << std::endl;

class Dog : public Animal {
    void bark() {
        std::cout << "Dog can bark." << std::endl;

class Cat : public Animal {
    void meow() {
        std::cout << "Cat can meow." << std::endl;

int main() {
    Dog dog;
    dog.bark(); // Output: "Animal can eat." followed by "Dog can bark."

    Cat cat;
    cat.meow(); // Output: "Animal can eat." followed by "Cat can meow."

    return 0;

Hierarchical inheritance allows for a tree-like structure where multiple classes are derived from a single base class, promoting code reusability and better organization.

Hybrid Inheritance

Hybrid inheritance combines two or more types of inheritance, providing a flexible way to create new classes with diverse characteristics. It allows a class to inherit from multiple base classes, forming a more complex hierarchy.

Access Specifiers and Inheritance

Access Specifiers and Inheritance play crucial roles in object-oriented programming to ensure encapsulation, data hiding, and code reusability. Access specifiers, such as public, private, and protected, define the visibility and accessibility of class members. These modifiers restrict or allow access to variables and methods, enhancing the security and maintainability of the codebase. On the other hand, inheritance supports the concept of creating new classes (derived classes) from existing ones (base classes). It facilitates the reuse of code, promotes code organization, and establishes an “is-a” relationship between classes. Inheritance achieves code extensibility and promotes code reusability, as derived classes inherit the members (fields and methods) of the parent class. Access specifiers can be applied to inherited members, determining their visibility within the derived class and ensuring proper encapsulation. Understanding access specifiers and inheritance is fundamental to effectively designing and implementing object-oriented systems that can achieve code reuse, modularity, and maintainability.

Public Inheritance

Public inheritance is one of the key features of object-oriented programming in C++. It allows a derived class to inherit the public and protected members of its base class. When a class is derived from another class using public inheritance, the derived class gains access to all the non-private members of the base class.

In public inheritance, the public members of the base class become public members of the derived class. This means that any member function or variable that was declared as public in the base class can be accessed from outside the derived class through an object of the derived class.

Similarly, the protected members of the base class become protected members of the derived class. These members are accessible within the derived class itself and can also be accessed by any derived class that further inherits from the current derived class.

However, the private members of the base class are not directly accessible in the derived class. They remain hidden from the derived class and can only be accessed indirectly through the public and protected members of the base class. This ensures encapsulation and information hiding, preventing unauthorized access to private members.

Public inheritance in C++ enables code reuse and promotes a hierarchical organization of classes. It allows derived classes to inherit the interface and implementation of the base class, providing a powerful mechanism for creating and managing related objects.

Protected Inheritance

Protected inheritance is one of the three types of inheritance in object-oriented programming, with the other two being public inheritance and private inheritance. While public inheritance allows the derived class to access the public members of the base class, and private inheritance restricts access to all members of the base class, protected inheritance offers a middle ground by allowing the derived class to access the protected members of the base class.

In terms of accessibility, when a class inherits from another using protected inheritance, the protected members of the base class become protected members of the derived class. This means that the derived class and any derived classes that inherit from it can access these protected members just like they would their own members. However, objects of the derived class or any of its derived classes cannot directly access the protected members of the base class.

The concept of protected inheritance is useful in scenarios where a derived class needs to have certain privileges to access or modify the protected members of the base class, while still restricting access to these members from objects of the derived class. This allows for a level of encapsulation and control over the derived class's interaction with the base class's internals.

Private Inheritance

Private inheritance is a concept in object-oriented programming where a derived class derives from a private base class. When a derived class privately inherits from a base class, the public and protected members of the base class become private members of the derived class.

In private inheritance, the derived class cannot directly access the private members of the base class. This means that any attempts to access these private members will result in a compilation error. However, the derived class can still access these private members indirectly through calls to the public and protected members of the base class.

By using private inheritance, the derived class can benefit from the implementation details and functionality of the base class without exposing these details to the outside world. It allows the derived class to reuse the code and behavior of the base class while maintaining encapsulation.

Private inheritance is useful in scenarios where the derived class needs to utilize the functionality of the base class but does not need or want to be treated as the same type as the base class by other parts of the program. It provides a way to achieve code reuse while avoiding potential issues that may arise from public inheritance.

In conclusion, private inheritance in object-oriented programming allows a derived class to derive from a private base class, resulting in the public and protected members of the base class becoming private members of the derived class. Private members of the base class cannot be accessed directly from the derived class but can be accessed through calls to the public and protected members.

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