C++ Access Specifiers

What are Access Specifiers?

Access specifiers in C++ are keywords used to determine the accessibility of class members, including data members and member functions. They allow us to specify which parts of a class can be accessed by other parts of the program. Access specifiers set the level of encapsulation and control the visibility and availability of class members to the objects of that class or its derived classes.

C++ provides three types of access specifiers: public, private, and protected.

  • Public: This access specifier allows unrestricted access to the class members. Public members can be accessed from anywhere in the program, including outside the class and its derived classes.
  • Private: Private members are accessible only within the class they are declared in. They cannot be accessed by derived classes or other parts of the program. This provides data hiding and encapsulation, ensuring that the internal implementation details of a class are hidden from external entities.
  • Protected: Protected members are similar to private members, but they can also be accessed by derived classes. They are hidden from the rest of the program but can be utilized by the derived classes for inheritance and code reuse purposes.

When it comes to inheritance in C++, the member access rules dictate how the derived class can access the members of the base class. If the base class has private members, the derived class cannot directly access them. In contrast, public and protected members can be accessed by the derived class using the appropriate access specifiers.

Explanation of Access Specifiers in C++

Access specifiers in C++ are used to control the access to the members of a class, such as variables and functions. They define the level of visibility and availability each member has outside the class.

  • Public: This access specifier allows unrestricted access to the class members from anywhere in the program. This means that public members can be accessed and modified by any part of the program, including external functions or objects.
  • Private: This access specifier restricts the access to class members only from within the class itself. Private members cannot be accessed or modified by any external function or object. They are encapsulated within the class to ensure data integrity and prevent unwanted modifications.
  • Protected: This access specifier is similar to the private access specifier, but it also allows access to derived classes. Protected members can be accessed and modified by derived classes, but not by any external function or object. It provides a level of encapsulation while allowing inheritance to access and extend the functionality of the base class.

Here is a simple example to illustrate the use of access specifiers:

class MyClass {
    int publicVar; // Public member
    int protectedVar; // Protected member
    int privateVar; // Private member

int main() {
    MyClass obj;
    obj.publicVar = 10; // Accessible and modifiable
    // obj.protectedVar = 20; --> Inaccessible and not modifiable directly
    // obj.privateVar = 30; --> Inaccessible and not modifiable
    return 0;

In the above example, the public variable publicVar can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the program, while the private variable privateVar cannot be accessed or modified outside the class. The protected variable protectedVar can only be accessed and modified within the class and its derived classes.

Importance of Access Specifiers in Object-Oriented Programming

Access specifiers play a crucial role in object-oriented programming (OOP) as they determine the visibility and accessibility level of the member variables and methods within a class. They ensure that the components of a class are used and modified in a controlled manner, promoting the principles of encapsulation and inheritance.

  • Encapsulation: Encapsulation, one of the key concepts in OOP, encapsulates the data and methods within a class, hiding the internal implementation details from outside access. Access specifiers, such as private, protect the internal state of an object, prohibiting direct access from outside the class. By restricting the access to specific members, encapsulation supports data security and integrity, preventing unintended modifications and ensuring consistency.
  • Inheritance: Another important principle of OOP enables the creation of new classes by inheriting the properties and behavior of existing ones. Access specifiers like protected allow derived classes to access and modify the base class members that are marked as protected, facilitating code reuse and promoting code maintainability.

By using access specifiers effectively, developers can control the granularity of access to class members. This not only enhances code readability and maintainability but also reduces the chances of unintended errors or misuse. Access specifiers provide a level of abstraction, enabling developers to create software that is easier to understand, extend, and maintain, making them of utmost importance in object-oriented programming.

Public Access Specifier

Definition of Public Access Specifier

The public access specifier in a programming language defines the accessibility of class members and allows them to be accessed from any part of the program, both from within the class and outside of it. Its purpose is to provide a way to create public members that can be easily accessed and utilized by other classes or code segments.

When a member or method is declared as public, it means that it can be accessed by any part of the program without any restrictions. This enables the flexibility of using and modifying the member from different parts of the program, increasing code reusability and maintainability.

The functionality of the public access specifier is crucial in object-oriented programming languages like C++. It allows developers to define public variables, methods, and constructors that can be utilized by other classes, objects, or even external programs. This accessibility promotes better collaboration and integration in larger projects, as public members serve as the interfaces between different modules or components of the software.

Explanation of How Public Access Specifier Works in C++

The public access specifier in C++ plays a crucial role in determining the accessibility of class members. It is one of the three access specifiers available in C++, alongside private and protected.

The public access specifier allows the public members of a class to be accessed from any part of the program. Public members are an essential part of a class and include variables, functions, and other data members that need to be accessible outside the class.

By using the public access specifier, these public members can be accessed and utilized by other parts of the program with ease. For example, if a class has a public member function that performs a specific task, any other portion of the code can call that function and execute the desired functionality.

By employing the public access specifier, C++ provides a way to control the accessibility of class members. It ensures that public members can be accessed freely, serving as a means of encapsulation and code organization. This specifier also promotes code reusability, as public members can be accessed and utilized from any part of the program. Thus, the public access specifier in C++ offers a vital mechanism for managing the accessibility and utilization of public members within a program.

Accessibility of Class Members with Public Access Specifier

In object-oriented programming, the accessibility of class members is defined by access specifiers. These specifiers determine whether a class member can be accessed by other parts of the program, or whether it is limited to only being accessed within the same class. In this context, the public access specifier allows class members to be accessed by any part of the program. It provides the highest level of accessibility, allowing both the class itself and external code to access and modify the member variables or call member functions. This accessibility makes public members useful when information or functionality needs to be shared across different parts of a program. However, it also comes with the responsibility of ensuring that public members are used appropriately and that they do not compromise the integrity or security of the class.

Public Keyword

Definition and Usage of the Public Keyword in C++

The public keyword in C++ is an access modifier that is used to define the accessibility of a class member (data and functions). When a member is declared as public, it means that it can be accessed from any part of the program, both from inside and outside the class.

To create public members in a class, the public keyword is placed before the member's declaration. This makes the member accessible to other parts of the program, allowing them to use and modify its value. For example, consider a class named “Car” that has a public member variable “speed” and a public member function “drive”. These can be accessed from anywhere in the program, enabling other classes or functions to read or update the speed of the car, and to initiate the driving process.

The public access modifier provides maximum accessibility to class members. It allows any part of the program, both inside and outside the class, to interact with these members. This is particularly useful when creating libraries or reusing code, as it allows external programs to use the functionality provided by the class and manipulate its data according to their needs.

Example Code Demonstrating the Use of the Public Keyword

The public keyword in C++ serves the purpose of creating public members that can be accessed from any part of the program. In object-oriented programming, members of a class can be either public, private, or protected.

By using the public keyword, we can define the visibility of a class member to be public, meaning it can be accessed freely from any part of the program. This allows other objects or functions to interact with the public members of a class directly.

The behavior of the public keyword is to grant access to the defined members to all parts of the program, without any restrictions. This keyword ensures that the public members are accessible to any object or function using the class instance.

Public members are commonly used to provide an interface or functionalities that are intended to be accessed by other parts of the program. By making certain members public, we can expose the desired functionality for external use while keeping the internal implementation details private.

Here is an example:

class Rectangle {
    int length;
    int width;
    // Public member function to calculate area
    int calculateArea() {
        return length * width;

int main() {
    // Create an object of the Rectangle class
    Rectangle myRectangle;
    // Set values for length and width
    myRectangle.length = 5;
    myRectangle.width = 3;
    // Access the public member function to calculate the area
    int area = myRectangle.calculateArea();
    // Output the calculated area
    std::cout << "Area: " << area << std::endl;
    return 0;

In this example, the Rectangle class has a public member function called calculateArea(). This function is accessible from the main function and can manipulate the public variables length and width. By creating an object of the Rectangle class and invoking the calculateArea() function, the area of the rectangle is calculated and outputted.

Advantages of Using Public Functions for Class Interface

One of the key advantages of using public functions for class interface is the increased accessibility they provide. By setting functions as public, they can be accessed from any part of the program, both inside and outside the class. This allows for easy interaction and communication with the class and its members.

Public functions serve as a crucial aspect of the public interface of a class. They provide a way for other classes, objects, or modules to interact with the class, making it easier to use and integrate into larger programs. This accessibility allows for straightforward usage of the class's functionality, without needing to know the intricate details of its implementation.

Furthermore, public functions promote code reusability. Since they can be accessed from anywhere, they can be utilized in different parts of the program, reducing the need for duplicated code. This saves development time and helps maintain a clean and organized codebase.

Additionally, using public functions for class interface enhances code encapsulation. By providing a controlled way to access and manipulate the class's internal state, public functions help keep the implementation details hidden and protected. This helps prevent unauthorized modifications and reduces the likelihood of bugs and errors.

Private Access Specifier

Definition of Private Access Specifier

The private access specifier is an essential aspect of object-oriented programming that allows the control and restriction of access to class members. In C++, the private access specifier is used to ensure that certain class members, such as variables or methods, can only be accessed within the same class. This means that any attempt to access these private members from outside the class will result in a compilation error. By using the private access specifier, developers can encapsulate and hide sensitive data or implementation details, promoting data integrity and security. It also enables the principle of information hiding, as the class becomes responsible for exposing only the necessary and safe features to other parts of the program. This provides a level of abstraction and modularity, making it easier to maintain and extend the codebase without affecting other components. The private access specifier serves as a crucial tool in ensuring encapsulation, information hiding, and overall code quality in object-oriented programming.

In summary, the private access specifier in C++ ensures that sensitive data and functionality of a class are hidden and can only be accessed and modified by the class itself. This promotes encapsulation, data integrity, and security, making it a vital aspect of object-oriented programming.

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