Join Hyperskill Team

Hyperskill is a project-based learning platform that offers a personalized curriculum and a variety of tracks to help people from different backgrounds gain market-relevant tech skills through online education.

Our mission is to boost global progress. We strive to empower everyone with skills of tomorrow, so they can benefit the changing world.

Join us and change the world through learning!
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What We Believe In

Discover our core values that define who we are and guide our every decision. Explore how we create an environment where our employees can thrive and our company can succeed.

Transparency and candor with trust and positive intent
At our core, we believe in fostering trust through open communication and approaching others with empathy and sincerity. We create a culture where honesty is paramount, presuming the same from every team member.
Growth and excellence
We collectively strive for personal and professional development, dedicating ourselves to achieving outstanding results through hard work. Our goal is to collaboratively create exceptional products that contribute to global growth and progress.
Iterate and decide fast, make new mistakes
Embracing a mindset of continuous learning, we adapt quickly and welcome new challenges. We encourage each other to take risks, learn from mistakes, and maintain a fast-paced, iterative approach.
Accountability for customers success
We take collective responsibility, demonstrating accountability with a pragmatic business approach. Navigating challenges, we provide flexible solutions and show determination to overcome obstacles as a united team.
Data inspired common sense
As a team, we incorporate data-based insights into decision-making while maintaining practical judgment. We use data to enhance intuition and let intuition challenge data when needed.
Embrace AI and new technological innovations
Together, we welcome and integrate cutting-edge technology to drive progress and success. We leverage modern advancements to disrupt traditional paradigms and create a competitive edge.
Disagree then commit
We encourage open and respectful discussions, appreciating diverse perspectives and ideas. We see healthy disagreement as a valuable tool to reach better decisions collectively. Once a decision is made, we wholeheartedly commit as a united team, actively collaborating to ensure successful implementation.

Meet the team

Employees' Voices

Vladislav Kashchey
Mobile Developer

At Hyperskill, I found a job that exceeds my expectations. The dynamic environment fosters personal and company growth, allowing me to contribute to an innovative educational platform. Transparency is a standout quality, empowering every employee to feel involved and influential.

What drew you to Hyperskill and how does it align with your professional aspirations?
I like absolutely everything about my job at Hyperskill. Before working at Hyperskill, I would have found it hard to believe that such a thing is possible, but for me, it has become a reality. I feel active personal and company development; the opportunity to make an impact and make the world better by developing an innovative educational platform. At work, I am surrounded by wonderful people whose professionalism is beyond doubt, and the company's shared values allow us to find common ground in any situation.

What do you love about Hyperskill?
Before working at Hyperskill, I couldn't imagine a company with such a high level of transparency. This value permeates the work at all levels, and as a result, all employees feel a greater sense of involvement and influence in the process. Decisions made at any level are discussed and explained; it is always clear what needs to be done to advance one's career; everyone knows where the company is heading and can contribute to that direction.

Why would you recommend Hyperskill?
Thanks to the company's strong technical team, I have significantly improved my skills in mobile app development. I really appreciate that the company actively involves everyone in understanding the product being developed, and everyone learns to make decisions based on the needs of the business. The atmosphere of openness and honesty promotes the development of soft skills such as communication, feedback, and argumentation. The company's employees are very interesting and successful individuals, and being among them encourages personal growth and self-improvement.

Zoya Kostyreva
Head of Content Production

Hyperskill is where freedom meets responsibility, offering professional growth, learning opportunities, and a collaborative environment at the forefront of modern technologies. Working here allows me to contribute to making the world a better place by providing people with opportunities, knowledge, and solutions to global issues.

What drew you to Hyperskill and how does it align with your professional aspirations?
I work at Hyperskill because I firmly believe in lifelong learning and I'm convinced that education broadens horizons and opens new opportunities for people. When you work in education, you contribute to making the world a better place. You assist people in becoming more educated, offering them more opportunities in life, enabling them to be smarter, and most importantly, equipping them with the knowledge to solve diverse world issues.I truly believe in our product.

What do you love about Hyperskill?
The things I value most in work are:- Clear and direct communication,- A friendly, supportive, and developmental environment,- Teamwork,- A flexible schedule,- The option for remote work,- And last but not least, great ideas. I love projects that make the world a better place.I love the combination of freedom and responsibility.

Why would you recommend Hyperskill?
I believe that Hyperskill offers each employee opportunities to become more professional, to grow, and to learn something new. We explore new technologies and trends, and try to apply them to our daily tasks. So, if you want to work in a team at the forefront of modern technologies, this is the right place to do that. While other companies sometimes slow the process of innovation implementation due to bureaucracy, Hyperskill, on the contrary, supports education and experimentation.I am happy to work together with great professionals in the field. I also think that a team of professionals can multiply team efforts many times over. This is a case where 1+1 is not 2, but 1+1 equals 10.

Igor Kirillov
Backend Developer

At Hyperskill, I cherish the chance to make a real impact globally. We're not just a workplace, we're a dynamic blend of startup agility and corporate stability. It's about quick decisions, a supportive culture, and a commitment to personal and collective progress.

What drew you to Hyperskill and how does it align with your professional aspirations?
Hyperskill offers me a rare and rewarding opportunity to make a difference. Here, I have the privilege to contribute to a project that empowers individuals across the globe to acquire valuable skills and jumpstart a new career.

What do you love about Hyperskill?
What I love about Hyperskill is the perfect balance it strikes between a startup's agility and a mature company's stability. We get to make quick decisions, free from unnecessary bureaucracy, while also benefitting from refined processes and a supportive work culture. Healthy work-life balance is the rule.

Why would you recommend Hyperskill?Being part of the development team here is the best opportunity for professional growth. We try to use cutting-edge technologies and try new approaches to delivering the best product in the shortest amount of time. The best part is our collaborative approach — team members readily share knowledge and lend a hand when things get challenging. It's not about closing tasks and matching KPIs, but about personal growth and collective progress. One of the things that truly stands out for me is the way Hyperskill encourages us to diversify our skills. Whether it's picking up a new programming language, exploring aspects of product management, or even trying our hand at design, there's room for experimentation. After all, we're in the business of learning, and that mindset starts from within the company.

Elizaveta Chernysheva
Administrative Manager

Joining Hyperskill was an easy decision for me – the perfect role, remote flexibility, and a meaningful mission in education. As an administrative manager, I ensure the organization runs seamlessly worldwide, creating a positive work environment. The constant challenges make my job thrilling.

What drew you to Hyperskill and how does it align with your professional aspirations?
I started working with Hyperskill because the range of responsibilities offered to me was perfect. I knew that I could make an effective contribution in this role. In addition, the completely remote work allows me to work anytime, anywhere. I was also attracted by the fact that the company is engaged in improving education, it seems to me that this is a very important mission and it is wonderful to be involved in this.

What are your responsibilities at Hyperskill?
And what is the most interesting part of the job?As an administrative manager, my responsibilities include various tasks related to ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of the organization – from providing the necessary equipment around the world to creating policies and providing responses to employees on various issues. In general, my task is to create a favorable working environment for all our employees. The most exciting aspect of my job is its constant challenges.

Why would you recommend Hyperskill?
I appreciate how the company cares about the well-being of employees and supports professional growth.

Aliona Matveeva
Content Manager

Working with Hyperskill offers not only personal growth and knowledge enhancement but also the joy of collaborating with a team united by a common idea. This experience extends beyond work, providing a sense of social responsibility and contributing value to the world.

Tell us a few words about you:
I am a backend developer mostly experienced in Python. I started working in IT after I graduated from the university and I still do and enjoy it working for Microsoft Estonia :) Apart from work, I adore traveling and discovering the world (which pairs good with working remotely), and I love sharing with people – be it knowledge, experiences or inspiration.

How did you learn about Hyperskill?
I don't remember well, but I think it was someone from the team who reached out to me inviting me to create a project in Django. I was beyond glad to join!

Why did you start working with us?
As I mentioned above, I love sharing knowledge and ideas, which apparently led me to work in multiple study projects in my life: I worked as a Python teacher and course creator in Coddy (programming school for children), I tried myself as a mentor in Yandex.Praktikum team, and finally landed here in Hyperskill, where I can apply both of my knowledge and passion to strengthen it by sharing with others.

What are your responsibilities at Hyperskill? And what is the most interesting part of the job?
My main current role is to manage the Flask Track in Hyperskill. I am responsible for the content, for what the study plan looks like, I do fact-checking for topics, long-term planning for topics and projects and I keep an eye on everything to be in order in the meaning of content. I also still do create projects from time to time.The most interesting part of the job for me is structuring the plan and building the final 'castle' brick by brick.

Does this working experience influence your life in any way?
Of course, I mean I guess this is what they call “social responsibility" in some way. It is important for me to know I bring value to the world and make something important that helps others make their lives a bit better. Sharing knowledge is one of the ways.

What do you think other programmers can gain from working with Hyperskill?
First of all, the things I mentioned in the previous part :) I think every one of us needs to feel that they're 'making the difference'. But it's not only that! Of course there are straight personal pros you're gaining while working with Hyperskill: shaping knowledge for sharing helps improve it, usually you're not only strengthening it, but finding out something new for yourself too. And finally, I cannot ignore mentioning the team: here you get to work with people connected by one idea, which is super comfortable and fun.

Hermann Rösch
Technical Writer

My journey highlights the importance of passion, continuous learning, and the rewarding nature of dedicating time to what you love. This experience not only shaped my technical writing skills but also inspired a career shift to pursue a Master's in Data Science.

How did you learn about Hyperskill?
I have been a fan of JetBrains IDEs since 2013 when I first started using PHPStorm for a web development subject in college. One day in October 2021 I was lurking through JetBrains website and saw a link to JetBrains Academy.
I registered and started the Python Core track. After one week of studying, I completed my first project "Password Hacker"! Since I liked the project-based study plan, I continued studying Python and kept solving more projects.

Why did you start working with us?
After almost four months of being an active student at JetBrains Academy (studying for 2-3 hours daily), I decided that I could contribute by writing a few topics myself! So I sent an e-mail to [email protected] asking if I could become an author for the Python track or the Go track.
After a few days passed, I got an e-mail from Zoya Kostyreva, the manager of the Go team. She was eager to let me try my skills as a technical author and told me to start writing my first topic about Working with files in Go.
After I wrote the first draft of the topic, I got some feedback a few days later and made some fixes. Then, I proceeded to join the Trello board of the Go team, where Anton Illarianov (the graph owner of the Go team and an awesome Go developer) helped me add the "finishing touches" to the topic, and finally publish it.
After creating my first topic, I was eager to write more and more about Go! To the current date, I have written almost 30 topics about the Go programming language and have created more than 150 practical tasks.

What was the most interesting part of the job?
There have been many different tasks that I have worked on with the Go team! However, I will mention two of the most significant parts of my work in the Go team so far:
After publishing more than ten topics and working for a few months with the Go team, Anton and Zoya allowed me to start reviewing topics written by other authors on the board.Reviewing the work of other Authors was challenging but a great experience. I felt like I was able to help new Authors create richer topics, as well as reinforce my knowledge in the Go language as well, by correcting any mistakes they had in their written theory.
The second most interesting task I've done with the Go team was discussing with Anton the scope of the different tracks we plan for the Go language. It was challenging because we had to decide what topics and projects we should keep for the Go for beginners track, and at the same think of more advanced topics and projects that would form part of the more advanced Go for developers track.

Does this experience help you at your current workplace?
Even though I graduated from college as a Systems in Telematics Engineer in 2016, I had never worked in the IT world before, until I started working as a Technical Author for JetBrains Academy.
The first job I got after I graduated was in the construction industry as a Quality Supervisor for formwork and scaffolding engineering.
However, I have to say that the skills I have learned as a technical author for JetBrains Academy have helped me write better technical documents, and calculation notes for the formwork and scaffolding systems I design in my current job.
As of the current date, I am leaving my job in the construction industry to become a full-time student for a Masters in Data Science at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.
I decided to start a Masters in Data Science because after so much time away from the IT world, studying and working for JetBrains Academy have reminded me that my passion is programming, and that I want to further my career in the IT world.
If it wasn't for my experience as a technical author for JetBrains Academy, I wouldn't have any real experience in IT apart from my college studies. Being a technical author for JetBrains Academy helped me boost my profile and become a better candidate for the Master's degree.

What do you think others can learn from your journey?
I think that anyone wanting to become a software developer, a technical writer, or a data scientist is that you must truly feel a passion for programming, and be willing to spend a lot of hours trying to learn and practice as much as you can.
Even though it may seem overwhelming to study so many different topics related to programming, it truly is a rewarding experience to spend your time doing something you're passionate about.
As Mark Twain once said: Success is a journey, not a destination. It requires constant effort, vigilance, and reevaluation.

Vladislav Kashchey
Mobile Developer

At Hyperskill, I found a job that exceeds my expectations. The dynamic environment fosters personal and company growth, allowing me to contribute to an innovative educational platform. Transparency is a standout quality, empowering every employee to feel involved and influential.

Why would you recommend Hyperskill?
Thanks to the company's strong technical team, I have significantly improved my skills in mobile app development. I really appreciate that the company actively involves everyone in understanding the product being developed, and everyone learns to make decisions based on the needs of the business. The atmosphere of openness and honesty promotes the development of soft skills such as communication, feedback, and argumentation. The company's employees are very interesting and successful individuals, and being among them encourages personal growth and self-improvement.

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Zoya Kostyreva
Head of Content Production

Hyperskill is where freedom meets responsibility, offering professional growth, learning opportunities, and a collaborative environment at the forefront of modern technologies. Working here allows me to contribute to making the world a better place by providing people with opportunities, knowledge, and solutions to global issues.

What drew you to Hyperskill and how does it align with your professional aspirations?
I work at Hyperskill because I firmly believe in lifelong learning and I'm convinced that education broadens horizons and opens new opportunities for people. When you work in education, you contribute to making the world a better place. You assist people in becoming more educated, offering them more opportunities in life, enabling them to be smarter, and most importantly, equipping them with the knowledge to solve diverse world issues.I truly believe in our product.What do you love about Hyperskill?
The things I value most in work are:- Clear and direct communication,- A friendly, supportive, and developmental environment,- Teamwork,- A flexible schedule,- The option for remote work,- And last but not least, great ideas. I love projects that make the world a better place.I love the combination of freedom and responsibility.Why would you recommend Hyperskill?
I believe that Hyperskill offers each employee opportunities to become more professional, to grow, and to learn something new. We explore new technologies and trends, and try to apply them to our daily tasks. So, if you want to work in a team at the forefront of modern technologies, this is the right place to do that. While other companies sometimes slow the process of innovation implementation due to bureaucracy, Hyperskill, on the contrary, supports education and experimentation.I am happy to work together with great professionals in the field. I also think that a team of professionals can multiply team efforts many times over. This is a case where 1+1 is not 2, but 1+1 equals 10.

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Igor Kirillov
Backend Developer

At Hyperskill, I cherish the chance to make a real impact globally. We're not just a workplace, we're a dynamic blend of startup agility and corporate stability. It's about quick decisions, a supportive culture, and a commitment to personal and collective progress.

What drew you to Hyperskill and how does it align with your professional aspirations?
Hyperskill offers me a rare and rewarding opportunity to make a difference. Here, I have the privilege to contribute to a project that empowers individuals across the globe to acquire valuable skills and jumpstart a new career.

What do you love about Hyperskill?
What I love about Hyperskill is the perfect balance it strikes between a startup's agility and a mature company's stability. We get to make quick decisions, free from unnecessary bureaucracy, while also benefitting from refined processes and a supportive work culture. Healthy work-life balance is the rule.

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Elizaveta Chernysheva
Administrative Manager

Joining Hyperskill was an easy decision for me – the perfect role, remote flexibility, and a meaningful mission in education. As an administrative manager, I ensure the organization runs seamlessly worldwide, creating a positive work environment. The constant challenges make my job thrilling.

What drew you to Hyperskill and how does it align with your professional aspirations?
I started working with Hyperskill because the range of responsibilities offered to me was perfect. I knew that I could make an effective contribution in this role. In addition, the completely remote work allows me to work anytime, anywhere. I was also attracted by the fact that the company is engaged in improving education, it seems to me that this is a very important mission and it is wonderful to be involved in this.

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Aliona Matveeva
Content Manager

Working with Hyperskill offers not only personal growth and knowledge enhancement but also the joy of collaborating with a team united by a common idea. This experience extends beyond work, providing a sense of social responsibility and contributing value to the world.

Tell us a few words about you:
I am a backend developer mostly experienced in Python. I started working in IT after I graduated from the university and I still do and enjoy it working for Microsoft Estonia :) Apart from work, I adore traveling and discovering the world (which pairs good with working remotely), and I love sharing with people – be it knowledge, experiences or inspiration.

How did you learn about Hyperskill?
I don't remember well, but I think it was someone from the team who reached out to me inviting me to create a project in Django. I was beyond glad to join!

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Hermann Rösch
Technical Writer

My journey highlights the importance of passion, continuous learning, and the rewarding nature of dedicating time to what you love. This experience not only shaped my technical writing skills but also inspired a career shift to pursue a Master's in Data Science.

How did you learn about Hyperskill?
I have been a fan of JetBrains IDEs since 2013 when I first started using PHPStorm for a web development subject in college. One day in October 2021 I was lurking through JetBrains website and saw a link to JetBrains Academy.I registered and started the Python Core track. After one week of studying, I completed my first project "Password Hacker"! Since I liked the project-based study plan, I continued studying Python and kept solving more projects.

I don't remember well, but I think it was someone from the team who reached out to me inviting me to create a project in Django. I was beyond glad to join!

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We are always glad to meet new people!

To apply for the opening, send your CV to [email protected] with the job title in the subject line. If you don't see your dream job on the list, but still wish to join Hyperskill, don't hesitate to let us know! Send us a resume, a few words about yourself, and examples of your projects.

Contact us