Java Strings

Overview of Strings in Java

In Java strings play a role in storing and manipulating text. A string in Java is essentially a series of characters enclosed within quotes. An important aspect of Java strings is their immutability, which means that once a string is created it cannot be modified. Any operation performed on a string results in the creation of a string while keeping the original one unchanged.

Java provides built in functions for managing string operations such, as searching for characters or substrings extracting parts of a string and replacing characters. These functions streamline the process of working with text making code more readable and easier to maintain.

Definition of a String

A string is a sequence of characters, including letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces. In Java, strings can be created using string literals or the new keyword. For example, "Hello, world!" is a string literal. Alternatively, you can create a string object using String myString = new String("Hello, world!");.

Java uses a concept called the string constant pool, a memory area that stores string literals. This technique helps conserve memory by reusing strings instead of creating new instances every time a string is used.

String Representation in Java

In Java, strings are represented by the String class from the java.lang package. You can create a string object using the new keyword and the String constructor, like this: String myString = new String("Hello, World!");. The String class provides several methods for creating, manipulating, and searching strings, such as length(), substring(), and indexOf().

Due to their immutability, string objects cannot be changed once created. Any operation that seems to modify a string will actually create a new string object. This immutability makes strings thread-safe, allowing them to be safely used in multi-threaded environments.

Sequence of Characters

A sequence of characters refers to characters arranged in a specific order. In programming, sequences can be represented in various ways, such as strings (enclosed in quotes), arrays (enclosed in square brackets), or lists (enclosed in parentheses). Understanding how to access and manipulate these sequences is crucial, especially when working with strings.

Immutability of Strings

In Java, the immutability of strings means they cannot be changed once created. This has several advantages, including improved performance and security. Since strings are often used to store sensitive information, their immutability ensures that the data cannot be altered, reducing the risk of security breaches.

However, there are some drawbacks to immutability. For example, concatenating strings requires additional memory and processing power since a new string object is created for each concatenation.

Creating Strings

Strings in Java can be created using the new keyword and the String constructor. For example, String myString = new String(); creates an empty string object. You can also initialize a string with a specific value by passing a string literal as a parameter, like this: String hello = new String("Hello!");.

Using String Literals

String literals are the simplest way to create strings in Java. For example, "Hello World" is a string literal. When a string literal is used in a program, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) checks the string constant pool to see if an identical string already exists. If it does, a reference to that string is returned; otherwise, a new string object is created in the pool.

Using the String Class Constructor

The String class in Java offers various constructors to create new string objects. You can create a string from a character array, another string, or even a sequence of bytes. Understanding these options allows you to choose the best method for your programming needs.

Accessing Characters in a String

In Java, you can access characters in a string using the charAt() method or by converting the string into a character array. The charAt() method retrieves a specific character at a given index, while converting the string to a character array allows more flexibility in accessing and manipulating characters.


The charAt() method is used to get a character at a specific index in a string. For example, str.charAt(0) returns the first character of the string str. The index is zero-based, so the first character has an index of 0.


The codePointAt() method retrieves the Unicode value of a character at a specific index in a string. This is useful for handling characters from different languages or writing systems.

Concatenating Strings

In Java, you can concatenate strings using the + operator or the concat method. For example, "Hello" + "World" or "Hello".concat("World") both result in the string "HelloWorld".

Using the + Operator

The + operator is used to concatenate strings or combine lists. For example, "Hello" + "World" combines the two strings into "HelloWorld". This operator is a simple and effective way to join strings together.

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