HTML pre Tag

Purpose of the pre Tag

The HTML pre tag is used to define a block of preformatted text. Its main purpose is to preserve the formatting of the text and display it exactly as it appears in the HTML code. This is especially useful when displaying code snippets, poems, or any text that requires specific line breaks and spaces.

Functionality of the pre Tag

When the pre tag is used, any line breaks or white spaces within the text are rendered exactly as they appear in the HTML code. This ensures that the text is displayed with the same formatting intended by the author. Without the pre tag, line breaks and white spaces are typically collapsed and ignored by the browser.


Code Snippets

Preserving the formatting is crucial for readability and understanding. By wrapping the code in the pre tags, each line of code will be displayed on a separate line, making it easier for developers to follow the logic and structure of the code.

function example() {
  console.log("Hello, world!");


When displaying a poem, the original line breaks and white spaces can be preserved by enclosing the poem text within the pre tags. This ensures that the poem is displayed with the correct line breaks and indentation, allowing readers to appreciate the intended rhythm and structure.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
Sugar is sweet,
And so are you.

Definition of the pre Tag

The HTML pre tag is used to define preformatted text, which is displayed exactly as it is written in the HTML file. It preserves new lines and white spaces within the text, displaying the output accurately. The main purpose of the pre tag is to present text in a fixed-width font, with each line taking up the same amount of space.


To use the pre tag, wrap the desired text or content within the opening and closing pre tags.

This is an example of preformatted text.
It will be displayed exactly as it is written,
preserving new lines and white spaces.

Purpose and Usage in HTML

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language, the standard language for creating web pages and applications. It serves as the backbone of the internet, enabling the structuring and formatting of content on websites. With HTML, developers can define the structure and layout of web pages using tags and attributes.

Syntax of the pre Element

The pre element in HTML is a block-level element used to display code accurately on a webpage. Its primary purpose is to preserve new lines and white spaces, ensuring that the code is presented exactly as it is written.

if (condition) {

Opening and Closing Tags

Opening and closing tags play a vital role in structuring content in HTML. Here are the steps to use them:

  • Identify the content that requires structuring, such as a heading.
  • Start by using an opening tag, denoted by the angle bracket "<" followed by the tag name.
  • Type the desired content after the opening tag.
  • Close the tag using a closing tag, which includes a forward slash ("/") before the tag name.
  • <h1>Welcome</h1>

    Displaying Content with the pre Tag

    The HTML pre tag is used to display preformatted text. Its purpose is to preserve both spaces and line breaks within the element. This tag is particularly useful in CSS art, HTML art, and when inserting code snippets into HTML.

    How the pre Tag Renders Content on a Webpage

    The pre tag renders content by preserving new lines and white spaces as they appear in the HTML code itself. It is particularly useful when displaying code examples or formatting text that relies on specific indentation or line breaks.

    Formatting Options for Content within a pre Element


    The pre element maintains the indentation of text within it. Developers can further manipulate the indentation using CSS properties like text-indent or padding.

    Line Breaks and Spaces

    The pre element preserves line breaks and spaces exactly as they are written. CSS properties like white-space can control how spaces, tabs, and line breaks are handled within the pre element.

    Font Properties

    Font properties of the text within a pre element can be modified using CSS. This includes options such as font-family, font-size, font-style, and font-weight.

    Benefits of Using the pre Element in HTML

    Maintaining White Space in Code Blocks

    The pre tag is essential for maintaining the formatting of text content, including new lines and white spaces. It is particularly useful when displaying computer code, where the indentation and line breaks are crucial for readability and understanding.

    Preserving Formatting of Source Code

    Using the HTML pre tag ensures that the code is rendered exactly as it is written, with all the line breaks and indentation intact. This improves readability and maintains the structure and organization of the code.

    Improving Readability for Developers

    By using consistent formatting, meaningful variable and function names, comments, and appropriate code structure, developers can greatly improve the readability of their code. Prioritizing readability leads to more maintainable code that is easier to understand, debug, and update.

    Common Use Cases for the pre Tag

    Displaying Code Snippets

    The pre tag is commonly used to display code snippets. This is important when sharing code examples or tutorials, as the exact indentation and spacing are crucial for accurately understanding the code.

    Displaying ASCII Art

    The pre tag can be used to display any text that requires precise formatting, such as ASCII art.

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