CSS Variables

What are CSS variables?

CSS variables, also known as custom properties, are a powerful feature in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) that allows developers to define reusable values within their stylesheets. Unlike traditional CSS properties, which have fixed values assigned directly to them, CSS variables can be assigned any valid CSS value and can be used dynamically throughout the stylesheet. This flexibility brings a range of benefits, including easier code maintenance, improved readability, and increased design consistency. CSS variables can drastically simplify the process of creating responsive designs, as they can be updated in one place and automatically cascade down to all elements that utilize them. With the support of modern web browsers, CSS variables have become an essential tool for front-end developers to efficiently manage styles across complex projects and create scalable and maintainable codebases.

Benefits of using CSS variables

CSS variables, also known as custom properties, offer a multitude of benefits when it comes to styling web pages. These variables allow developers to define reusable values that can be easily updated and maintained throughout the entire stylesheet, enabling efficient bulk editing.

One of the significant advantages of CSS variables is their ability to enable dynamic styling. By defining variables, designers can create dynamic webpages that adapt to various situations or user preferences. For example, if a user prefers a dark mode, simply changing the variable value for the background color will automatically update the entire page's appearance.

Another benefit of CSS variables is improved readability. By defining variables for commonly used values such as colors, font sizes, or spacing, the code becomes more understandable and maintainable. Instead of repeating values throughout the stylesheet, a single variable can be referenced, making the code cleaner and easier to maintain. This significantly reduces the chances of typos and inconsistencies.

Furthermore, CSS variables promote better code organization and flexibility. By grouping related variables together, it becomes easier to manage and update them collectively. For instance, a set of variables for a website's theme, including colors, font styles, and transitions, can be grouped together for better organization and ease of editing.

How to declare and use CSS variables

CSS variables provide a way to store and reuse values in CSS. They are declared using the `--` (two hyphens) prefix followed by the variable name. To use a CSS variable, the `var()` function is used.

To declare a CSS variable, simply append two hyphens as a prefix to the desired variable name. For example, `--primary-color` could be used to define a primary color variable.

To access and use the CSS variable, the `var()` function is used. This function takes the variable name as its argument and returns the value associated with it. For example, to assign the value of the `--primary-color` variable to a color property, we would use `color: var(--primary-color);`.

CSS variables can also be used with selectors to apply a custom property value to specific CSS properties. For example, let's say we have a class called `.highlight` and we want to apply a custom background color to it using the `--highlight-color` variable. We can do this by defining the variable and then applying it to the `.highlight` class using the `var()` function:


:root {

--highlight-color: yellow;


.highlight {

background-color: var(--highlight-color);



In this example, the `.highlight` class will have a background color of yellow because we have assigned the `--highlight-color` variable to it.

Scope of CSS Variables

CSS variables, also known as custom properties, allow developers to create reusable values in CSS. The scope of CSS variables refers to where they can be accessed and used within a document. There are two types of scope for CSS variables: global and local.

Global variables are declared using the :root selector, which targets the root element of the document. The :root selector is essentially a way to select the top-level element (e.g., the HTML tag) and declare global variables within it. Global variables can be accessed and used anywhere within the document, making them accessible across different CSS rules and stylesheets.

To create a global variable, simply define it within the :root selector using the var() function. For example:

:root {

--primary-color: blue;


Local variables, on the other hand, are declared within a specific selector or rule. They are limited to the scope of that selector and can only be accessed within that specific portion of the document. Unlike global variables, local variables are not accessible across different rules or stylesheets.

Local variables can be defined within any selector, such as a class or an ID. For example:

.container {

--secondary-color: red;


Understanding Custom Properties in CSS

Defining custom properties

Custom properties, also known as CSS variables, are a powerful concept in CSS that allow developers to define and reuse variables throughout their stylesheets. They are named with a preceding double dash (--) and can be used with the var() function.

One of the main benefits of using custom properties is their ability to simplify the process of changing color themes. By defining color values as custom properties, developers can easily change the entire color scheme of a website by simply modifying the values of these variables. This makes it much more efficient and maintainable compared to manually changing each individual color value in the stylesheet.

Another advantage of custom properties is that they help prevent typographical errors and inconsistencies in code. By defining commonly used values as variables, developers can avoid repeated typing or copying and pasting, reducing the chances of mistakes in the code. Additionally, if a value needs to be updated, it only needs to be modified in one place, ensuring consistency throughout the stylesheet.

Using custom properties in the root element

To use custom properties in the root element, you must follow a specific set of guidelines. Custom properties, also known as CSS variables, are defined using two dashes (--). This allows for the reuse of values throughout a document, making it more efficient and easier to maintain.

To create a custom property, simply declare it within the :root selector. For example, you can define a custom property called “--primary-color” and assign it a specific value, such as “#FF0000” for red. Once defined, you can then reference this custom property in any part of your CSS code using the var() function.

It is important to note that custom properties cannot be used inside media queries and container queries. However, you can use the var() function to reference custom properties within these queries. This gives you the flexibility to dynamically change values based on different conditions.

For example, let's say you have defined “--primary-color” as “#FF0000” in the root element. In your CSS code, you can then use var(--primary-color) to reference this value. If you later decide to change the primary color to blue, you can simply update the value in the root element, and it will be automatically reflected throughout the document.

Fallback values for custom properties

Fallback values for custom properties in CSS are used as a safety net for cases when the property has not been set explicitly. Custom properties, also known as CSS variables, allow developers to define their own properties and assign values to them.

In CSS, fallback values are used to ensure that a property still has a value even if it hasn't been set specifically for an element. This is useful when using custom properties, as they can be set globally but overridden for specific elements.

To use a fallback value, simply provide a comma-separated list of values for the custom property. The browser will try to use the first value, and if it is not set or invalid, it will move on to the next value in the list. The last value in the list should act as the fallback value.

Here's an example:

:root {

--primary-color: blue, #0000FF;


.button {

color: var(--primary-color);


In this example, the custom property --primary-color has two values: “blue” and “#0000FF”. The button element uses this property for its color. If --primary-color is set globally to “red” elsewhere, the button will have a red color. However, if --primary-color is not set globally, or is set to an invalid value, the button will default to the fallback value of “#0000FF”, which is a shade of blue.

Using fallback values ensures that properties always have a value, even in cases where specific values have not been set. This can help prevent unintended styling issues when working with custom properties.

Declaring custom properties in a CSS file

Declaring custom properties in a CSS file allows developers to create reusable values that can be used throughout their stylesheets. To declare a custom property, the syntax involves using a prefix of two dashes (--), followed by a property name. For example, “--primary-color” could be used to define a custom property for the primary color of a website.

Custom properties are written inside a ruleset, just like regular CSS properties. They can be scoped to a specific selector by placing them within that selector's block. This allows developers to create customized styles for different sections of a website. For instance, if we want to define a specific primary color for a

element, we can write:


section {

--primary-color: blue;



One of the key benefits of using custom properties is reusability. Once a custom property is declared, it can be used throughout the entire CSS file simply by referencing its name. This reduces code repetition and makes it easy to maintain and update styles.

Another advantage is improved readability. Custom properties provide a way to give meaningful names to values, making the code more self-explanatory and easier to understand. They also allow for quick changes and updates by modifying the value of a custom property, rather than hunting down and modifying numerous occurrences of a specific value.

Using custom properties for background color

Custom properties offer a powerful way to set the background color of elements in CSS. By using the var() function, custom properties can be assigned to the background-color property.

First, define the custom property within a selector, for example:


:root {

--bg-color: #FF0000;



Then, apply the custom property to the background-color property:


div {

background-color: var(--bg-color);



This will set the background color of the div element to the value specified in the custom property.

To manipulate colors further, custom properties can be used with color functions like rgb() and hsl(). For example:


:root {

--base-color: 100, 50%, 0%;


div {

background-color: rgb(var(--base-color));



Here, the rgb() function is used with the custom property to specify the background color.

Additionally, custom properties can be used in calc() to convert real numbers to percentages. For instance:


:root {

--opacity: 0.5;


div {

background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, var(--opacity));



In this example, the opacity value is defined as a custom property and used within the rgba() color function.

By utilizing custom properties, color functions, and calc(), developers can achieve more dynamic and flexible color modifications in their CSS code.

Naming conventions for custom property names

When working with custom property names in programming, it is important to adhere to certain naming conventions to ensure clarity and avoid conflicts. Custom property names are case-sensitive and must start with two dashes. However, there is an exception to this rule, as the string “--” is reserved and should not be used.

The use of case-sensitive naming conventions means that uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as distinct character sequences. For example, “--color” and “--Color” would be two different custom property names. This can lead to confusion if developers are not aware of this distinction and accidentally use visually identical but distinct character sequences.

To avoid potential confusion and conflicts, it is recommended to use consistent naming conventions and be mindful of case sensitivity. It is also helpful to include descriptive names that accurately represent the purpose or content of the custom property. By following these guidelines, developers can ensure that their custom property names are easily understood and do not cause any unintended issues.

Responsive Design with CSS Variables

Adapting variables based on screen size

In responsive design, adapting variables based on screen size is a crucial aspect to ensure optimal user experience across different devices. One effective approach to achieve this is by implementing media queries to change the value of custom properties.

Media queries are a CSS technique that allows developers to apply different styles and rules based on the characteristics of the device or viewport. By using media queries, we can set conditional statements that modify the value of custom properties depending on the screen size. Custom properties, also known as CSS variables, allow us to store and reuse values throughout our code, enabling more flexibility in making adjustments.

To effectively adapt variables based on screen size, it is important to separate variable declarations from property declarations. This separation provides a clear distinction between the values being adapted and the properties they are applied to. By adopting this practice, the code becomes more organized and easier to maintain.

Responsive design necessitates the adaptation of variables to create a seamless experience across devices. Utilizing media queries and custom properties enables us to efficiently adjust these variables based on screen size without having to rewrite extensive blocks of code. This approach not only enhances the maintainability and flexibility of the codebase, but also ensures that the user interface fluidly adapts to different screen sizes.

Variable declarations for different screen sizes

To declare variables for different screen sizes, begin by declaring the variables in the global scope using CSS syntax. This can be done by using the “:root” pseudo-class selector, which represents the root element of the document.

For example, you can declare a variable named “font-size” with a value of “16px” for all screen sizes:

:root {

--font-size: 16px;


To target specific screen sizes and redefine the variables, we use media queries. Media queries allow us to apply different styles based on the characteristics of the device being used. By using media queries, we can override the initial variable values for specific screen sizes.

For instance, let's say we want to change the font size for screens smaller than 600px. We can use a media query to redefine the “font-size” variable:

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {

:root {

--font-size: 14px;



This will change the font size to “14px” when the screen size is smaller than 600px.

By declaring variables in the global scope and using media queries to redefine them, we can easily adapt our styles to different screen sizes. This technique allows for more flexible and responsive designs. Remember to include relevant keywords such as “media queries,” “screen sizes,” “variable declarations,” “CSS syntax,” and “redefine variables” to ensure clarity and accuracy in your explanation.

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