TypeScript Get Started


TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that offers additional features on top of what JavaScript provides, making it a powerful and widely adopted language for building large-scale applications. One of its key features is static typing, which enhances the developer experience and facilitates better understanding and maintainability of the codebase.

In JavaScript, variables are dynamically typed, meaning that their types can change during runtime. This flexibility can sometimes lead to unexpected bugs that are difficult to track down. TypeScript addresses this issue by introducing static typing, allowing developers to specify the type of a variable at the time of declaration. This provides several benefits such as detecting errors during compilation, providing better autocompletion and code navigation within IDEs, and enabling tools for code refactoring.

Types are an integral part of TypeScript and play a crucial role in understanding the language. They act as a contract between functions and their callers, ensuring that the data passed conforms to the expected format. This promotes better documentation and self-documenting code, as types reveal information about the shape and behavior of variables, functions, and objects.

TypeScript’s ability to provide static typing on top of JavaScript’s foundations enhances the development process by reducing bugs, increasing productivity, and improving code quality. Its features and types make it easier to understand and reason about code, ultimately leading to more robust and maintainable applications.

Brief Overview of TypeScript

TypeScript is a programming language that serves as a superset of JavaScript. It enhances JavaScript by adding static typing and providing improved tooling support.

As a superset of JavaScript, TypeScript can run wherever JavaScript runs and supports all the features of JavaScript. However, it goes a step further by introducing static typing. Static typing helps in catching errors during development by revealing potential type-related issues. This enables developers to detect and fix errors earlier, leading to more robust and maintainable code.

TypeScript also provides better tooling support through its strong type system. It includes features like code autocompletion, type inference, and compiler checks, which aid in reducing developer errors and enhancing productivity. The compilation process converts TypeScript code, which includes type annotations and additional language features, into plain JavaScript code, compatible with all modern browsers and JavaScript runtimes. This step ensures that TypeScript can be run seamlessly in any JavaScript environment, making it widely accessible and compatible.

Benefits of Using TypeScript for Development

TypeScript has gained tremendous popularity in software development due to its numerous benefits. This statically-typed superset of JavaScript offers developers a more robust toolset, enabling them to write cleaner, more maintainable code. By adding static type checking and additional features to JavaScript, TypeScript helps catch errors at compile-time, reducing the likelihood of bugs and improving code quality. Its strong typing system also enhances code readability and makes it easier to understand and collaborate on large codebases. Additionally, TypeScript provides excellent support for modern JavaScript features and advancements, allowing developers to take advantage of the latest language additions while ensuring compatibility with older browsers. With its wide range of benefits, TypeScript has become an essential choice for many developers looking to write safer and more efficient code.

Setting Up TypeScript

To set up TypeScript, follow these steps:

1.Install Node.js: TypeScript requires Node.js to be installed on your system. Node.js is a JavaScript runtime that allows you to run TypeScript. You can download and install Node.js from the official website (nodejs.org). Make sure to select the appropriate version for your operating system.

2.Install the TypeScript compiler: After installing Node.js, open the command prompt or terminal and install the TypeScript compiler globally by running the following command: npm install -g typescript. This command will install the TypeScript compiler globally on your system.

3.Create a new TypeScript file: Open a text editor of your choice and create a new file with a .ts extension. For example, you can create a file called index.ts.

4.Configure the TypeScript project: Create a tsconfig.json file in the root directory of your TypeScript project. This file allows you to configure the TypeScript compiler options and project structure. In the tsconfig.json file, you can specify options such as the target JavaScript version, the output directory for compiled files, and any additional files or directories to include or exclude from the compilation process. You can find a comprehensive list of compiler options in the TypeScript documentation.

5.Compile the TypeScript file: After configuring the tsconfig.json file, open the command prompt or terminal and navigate to the directory where your TypeScript file is located. Run the command tsc to compile the TypeScript file. The compiler will read the tsconfig.json file and generate the corresponding JavaScript file based on the specified compiler options.

By following these steps, you can easily set up TypeScript for your project and start writing type-safe JavaScript code.

Installation Process

The installation process for TypeScript begins with the installation of Node.js and npm. Node.js is a platform that allows JavaScript code to be executed outside of a browser, and npm is a package manager for Node.js. Both are essential for the installation of TypeScript.

To get started, users must first install Node.js, which can be downloaded from the official website. Once Node.js is successfully installed, npm is automatically installed alongside it.

With Node.js and npm in place, users can now proceed to install TypeScript. This can be achieved by running a single command in the terminal: npm install -g typescript. The -g flag ensures that TypeScript is installed globally, making the TypeScript compiler accessible to all projects on the user’s machine.

It is important to follow these steps to properly install TypeScript and have access to its powerful features. Without Node.js and npm, the necessary dependencies cannot be resolved, and the installation process will fail. Additionally, having the TypeScript compiler installed globally allows for seamless integration with various development environments and enables the compilation of TypeScript code into JavaScript.

Adding TypeScript to a Project Directory

To add TypeScript to a project directory, follow these steps:

1. Install TypeScript as a development dependency by running the command npm i typescript --save-dev in the project directory. This will install the latest version of TypeScript and save it in the package.json file under the “devDependencies” section.

2. Initialize the project by running the command npx tsc --init. This command will create a tsconfig.json file in the project directory. The tsconfig.json file contains configuration options for the TypeScript compiler.

3.Start writing TypeScript code in .ts files. TypeScript files have the .ts extension. You can create new .ts files or convert existing .js files to .ts format.

4. To transpile TypeScript code to JavaScript, run the command tsc <filename>. Replace <filename> with the actual name of the TypeScript file you want to transpile. The TypeScript compiler (tsc) will read the tsconfig.json file for configuration options and transpile the code into JavaScript. The transpiled JavaScript file will be saved in the same directory as the TypeScript file.

Configuring TypeScript Compiler Options

Configuring TypeScript compiler options is an essential step in maximizing the benefits of using TypeScript. TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript, provides additional features and static type checking that aid in catching errors during development. By customizing the compiler options, developers can fine-tune their TypeScript project to achieve their desired output and ensure the highest level of code quality. In this article, we will explore the various compiler options available in TypeScript and learn how to configure them to tailor the compilation process to specific project requirements. From targeting different ECMAScript versions to enabling strict type checking, configuring TypeScript compiler options allows developers to optimize their workflow.

Static Typing vs Dynamic Typing

Static typing and dynamic typing are two different approaches to variable and function parameter declarations in programming languages.

In static typing, the data type of variables and function parameters is specified at the time of declaration. This means that every variable and function parameter must be assigned a specific type, such as integers, strings, or booleans. The type of a variable or parameter cannot be changed once it is assigned. Static typing requires explicit type declarations, making the code more readable and allowing for early detection of type-related errors during compile-time.

On the other hand, dynamic typing allows for flexibility in assigning and changing data types. In dynamically typed languages, variables and function parameters do not have to be explicitly declared with a specific type. The type of a variable or parameter can be determined at runtime based on the value assigned to it. This provides a greater level of flexibility and reduces the need for explicit type declarations, making the code more concise and adaptable. However, it also opens up opportunities for runtime type errors that may not be caught until the code is executed.

The benefits of static typing include improved code readability, early error detection, and enhanced tooling support. By explicitly specifying the data types, it becomes easier to understand the code and maintain it over time. Additionally, compile-time type checking helps identify type-related errors before the code is run, saving time and effort in finding and fixing bugs. Static typing also enables advanced tooling features like autocompletion and type inference, enhancing developer productivity.

Dynamic typing, on the other hand, offers greater flexibility and expressiveness. It allows developers to write code without worrying about the specific data types, making the code more concise and adaptable to changes. Dynamic typing can also facilitate rapid prototyping and development, as there is no need for explicit type declarations that can slow down the coding process.

However, dynamic typing comes with a tradeoff. The lack of explicit type declarations means that type-related errors may only be detected during runtime, leading to potential bugs that are harder to debug and fix. Furthermore, the absence of explicit types can make code harder to understand and maintain, especially in larger codebases.

Type Inference in TypeScript

Type inference in TypeScript refers to the ability of the language to automatically determine the type of a variable based on its value. This means that TypeScript can analyze the assigned value and infer the type without the need for explicit type annotations.

The benefits of type inference in TypeScript are numerous. Firstly, it reduces the need for developers to explicitly specify types for every variable, making the code more concise and increasing productivity. Additionally, type inference helps catch potential type-related errors during development, as TypeScript can flag inconsistencies between values and their inferred types. This improves code reliability and reduces the likelihood of runtime errors.

An example of type inference in TypeScript can be seen when declaring a variable without specifying its type explicitly. For instance, consider the following line of code:

let num = 10;

In this case, TypeScript will automatically infer that the type of the variable ‘num’ is ‘number’ because it is being assigned the value 10.

By leveraging type inference, developers can write more concise and easily readable code while still benefiting from the advantages of static typing provided by TypeScript.

Declaring Basic Types in TypeScript

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing and other features to make code more robust and maintainable. One of the key features of TypeScript is the ability to declare basic types, which allows developers to define the type of a variable explicitly. This provides benefits such as improved code readability and early detection of potential type errors. In TypeScript, basic types include numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, tuples, enums, null, and undefined. By declaring these basic types, developers can ensure that their code is more predictable, easier to understand, and less prone to errors.

Advanced Types

Advanced types in TypeScript, such as generics, decorators, and union types, greatly enhance code flexibility and expressiveness. These features allow developers to write more reusable and expressive code, making it easier to create sophisticated and maintainable applications.

Generics in TypeScript provide a way to create reusable code components. They allow functions, classes, and interfaces to work with different data types without sacrificing type safety. For example, a generic function can be written to work with arrays of any type:

function reverse<T>(array: T[]): T[] {

return array.reverse();


const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const reversedNumbers = reverse(numbers); // [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

const strings = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange'];

const reversedStrings = reverse(strings); // ['orange', 'banana', 'apple']

Decorators provide a way to modify the behavior of classes, methods, or properties. They can be used to add functionality such as logging, validation, or caching. For example, a decorator can be used to log the execution time of a function:

function logExecutionTime(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {

const originalMethod = descriptor.value;

descriptor.value = function (...args: any[]) {


const result = originalMethod.apply(this, args);


return result;


return descriptor;


class Calculator {


add(a: number, b: number): number {

return a + b;



const calculator = new Calculator();

calculator.add(2, 3); // Output: "add: 2.878ms"

Union types allow variables, parameters, or return types to be multiple types. This provides flexibility in handling different expected values. For example, a function can accept a parameter that can be either a string or a number:

function printValue(value: string | number) {



printValue("hello"); // Output: "hello"

printValue(42); // Output: 42

Union Types and Intersection Types

Union types and intersection types are mechanisms used to combine multiple types into one or allow for variables that can hold values of multiple types.

Union types serve the purpose of creating variables that can accept values of more than one type. For example, imagine a function that could accept either an integer or a string as its parameter. By using a union type, you can declare the parameter to be of type “integer or string”, allowing you to pass in either an integer or a string as an argument.

On the other hand, intersection types combine multiple types into a single type. This means that a variable of an intersection type must satisfy all of the underlying types that it includes. For instance, if you have a type “Person” and a type “Employee”, an intersection type of “Person & Employee” would represent an individual who is both a person and an employee. This intersection type would only allow values that meet both the “Person” and “Employee” criteria to be assigned to the variable.

Both union types and intersection types are widely used in programming languages to provide flexibility in the type system. They allow for the creation of variables that can accept a variety of values or represent complex combinations of types within a single entity. By using these features, programmers can ensure that their code can handle different scenarios and accommodate various data types.

Custom Types and Type Aliases

In Swift, custom types and type aliases are powerful tools for defining the shape and structure of data. Custom types allow developers to create their own structured data types, while type aliases provide a convenient way to give existing types a new name.

By using custom types, developers can define complex data structures that accurately represent the information they want to work with. For example, they can create a custom type called “Person” with properties such as name, age, and address. This makes the code more readable and maintains a clear distinction between different types of data.

Type aliases, on the other hand, enable developers to give existing types a more descriptive or meaningful name. For instance, one can create a type alias called “UserCredentials” for a tuple of strings representing a username and password. Using type aliases improves code readability and reduces the chances of code duplication.

One of the main advantages of using custom types and type aliases is that they serve as a single source of truth for the structure of data. Instead of duplicating code to define the same shape of data in multiple places, developers can centralize the definition using custom types or type aliases. This ensures consistency and prevents potential mistakes caused by mismatched data structures.

Object Types in TypeScript

In TypeScript, object types play a crucial role in ensuring the correctness of an object’s properties and value types. By defining object types, TypeScript enforces the requirement that objects must have specific properties with specific value types.

To achieve this, TypeScript provides interfaces, which define the signature of an object. An interface in TypeScript is a way to declare the structure of an object, specifying the names of its properties and their respective value types. When an object implements an interface, it must adhere to the specified property names and types.

For example, consider an interface called “Person” with properties like “name” of type string and “age” of type number. Any object that implements the “Person” interface must have these properties and their corresponding value types.

Along with properties, TypeScript also allows for the declaration of function properties. This means that an interface can include function signatures which define the expected parameters and return types of a function.

TypeScript supports both traditional JavaScript functions and ES6 arrow functions. This means that function properties in TypeScript can be written using either approach. The choice between JavaScript functions and arrow functions depends on the specific use case and coding style.

TypeScript’s object types are essential for ensuring the correctness of properties and value types in an object. Interfaces define the signature of an object and facilitate the enforcement of these requirements. Additionally, TypeScript allows for the declaration of function properties using either JavaScript functions or ES6 arrow functions, providing flexibility in coding style.

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