Table of contents
What is the src attribute?
Image Element and External Images
Image File Format vs. Image File Types
Using the img src Attribute to Embed an External Image into a Web Page
How to Make a Pull Request for Adding an External Image to a Web Page
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Say Goodbye to Blurry Images with srcimg

The src attribute, short for the source attribute, is an essential attribute used in HTML to specify the location of an image file. It is primarily associated with the image element (img tag) and is crucial for displaying images on web pages.

What is the src attribute?

The src attribute contains the URL or the file path pointing to the image file that needs to be displayed. This file can either be hosted on the same server as the webpage or on an external server. The attribute ensures that the specified image is loaded and presented correctly within the webpage.

When using the src attribute, it is vital to use a correct file format for the image. Common image file types include JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SVG. It is necessary to choose the appropriate format based on factors like image quality, file size, and browser compatibility.

The src attribute plays a critical role in enhancing the user experience on a website. It allows web developers to include visually appealing elements, such as photos, illustrations, or graphics, to make the website more engaging and informative.

Furthermore, the src attribute also aids in optimizing the website's performance. By properly specifying the source of the images, web browsers can efficiently load and display them, reducing the page loading time and ensuring a smooth browsing experience for the users.


Image Element and External Images

The image element, represented by the "img" tag, is an essential component of web design that allows for the seamless integration of visual content into a website. By using the "src" attribute, developers can specify the source of the image file, whether it be hosted on the same server or an external source.

External images refer to images that are hosted on a different server or domain from the website itself. This can include images from photo-sharing platforms, stock image websites, or even other websites altogether. The ability to include external images provides web developers with a wide range of possibilities in terms of design and content curation.

The inclusion of external images offers numerous advantages. Firstly, it allows for the incorporation of high-quality, professionally shot images that may not be readily available in-house. This is especially useful for businesses looking to enhance their online presence and make a strong visual impact on their audience.

Additionally, external images can provide dynamic and up-to-date content. For example, websites that display news articles or blog posts can include thumbnail images that are automatically updated based on the latest posts. This ensures that the visual elements of the website remain relevant and visually engaging.

However, the use of external images requires careful consideration. The loading time of a web page can be significantly impacted if there are numerous, large-sized external images. This can lead to a slow website performance, increasing the chances of user frustration and abandonment. It is, therefore, important for developers to optimize the size and resolution of external images to ensure a smooth browsing experience.


Image File Format vs. Image File Types

When it comes to dealing with images on the web, understanding the difference between image file formats and image file types is crucial. These terms are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to different aspects of image handling and compatibility.

Image file format refers to the way an image is structured and encoded. It defines how the image data is stored and organized, including details such as compression methods, color spaces, and transparency support. Some common image file formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF, and SVG.

On the other hand, image file types refer to the specific file extensions or formats that are recognized by software applications. For example, a JPEG file is a type of image file, while a PNG file is another type. Each image file type corresponds to a particular file format, but not all image file types support the same features or characteristics.

Let's dig deeper into some popular image file formats and their corresponding file types.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) is a widely used file format for digital images. It offers good image quality while keeping file sizes relatively small, making it suitable for web use and sharing. JPEG files typically have the ".jpg" or ".jpeg" file extensions.

PNG (Portable Network Graphics) is another common image file format. It supports lossless compression, which means that image quality is not sacrificed when reducing file size. PNG files are often used when preserving image transparency is important. They have the ".png" file extension.

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is a file format primarily known for its support of animations. It uses lossless compression, like PNG, but has limited color support. GIF files can be identified by their ".gif" file extension.

SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) is a unique file format that uses vector graphics to represent images. It is a widely supported format for graphics on the web and allows for scalability without losing image quality. SVG files have the ".svg" file extension.

Understanding the differences between image file formats and image file types is crucial for web designers and developers. It helps ensure that the right format is chosen for each specific use case, whether it's balancing image quality and file size or supporting certain features like transparency or animation. By optimizing image file formats and types, web professionals can enhance website performance and user experience.

Using the img src Attribute to Embed an External Image into a Web Page

When creating a web page, one of the most common tasks is to include images. Images not only enhance the visual appeal of a website but also help convey information and engage users. While you can use various image file formats to display images on a web page, one versatile and widely used method is to use the img src attribute to embed an external image.

The src attribute, short for "source," is an HTML attribute that specifies the source file of an image. By using the img element with the src attribute, you can easily display an image on your web page without having to host the image file on your own server. Instead, you can reference an external image file located on another website or server.

To use the img src attribute to embed an external image into your web page, you simply need to provide the URL or file path of the image as the value of the src attribute. For example:

srcimg sample code

In the above code, the src attribute is set to the URL of the external image file, followed by the alt attribute that provides alternative text for the image. The alt attribute is essential for accessibility purposes, as it describes the image to users who may not be able to see it.

By using the img src attribute, you can take advantage of external images from various sources such as stock photo libraries, photo sharing platforms, or your own content delivery network (CDN). This allows you to save server space and bandwidth, as the image file is retrieved from the external source when the page is loaded.

However, it's important to note that when using external images, you should ensure that the source you are linking to is reliable and secure. If the source website or server experiences downtime or removes the image, it may result in a broken image link on your web page. Additionally, you should always obtain proper permissions or follow licensing guidelines when using external images to avoid copyright infringement issues.

In conclusion, the img src attribute is a valuable tool for embedding external images into web pages. It allows you to easily display images from external sources, adding visual appeal and informative content to your website. Just make sure to use trusted and secure sources and provide alternative text for accessibility. With the img src attribute, you can enhance your web pages with captivating images and deliver a more engaging user experience.

How to Make a Pull Request for Adding an External Image to a Web Page

Making a pull request for adding an external image to a web page is a straightforward process that allows you to contribute to the development of a website. By following the steps below, you can easily add an external image and submit a pull request for review.

1. Fork the Project Repository

The first step is to navigate to the website's project repository on a platform like GitHub. Once there, click on the "Fork" button in the top right corner to create a personal copy of the repository on your GitHub account.

2. Clone the Forked Repository

After forking the project repository, you need to clone it to your local machine. To do this, open a terminal/command prompt, navigate to the desired directory, and run the following command:

git clone

3. Create a New Branch

It's good practice to create a new branch for the changes you want to make. This allows for easier management and isolation of your work. To create a new branch, use the following command:

git checkout -b branch-name

4. Add the External Image

Now, locate the HTML file where you want to add the external image. Open the file in a text editor and find the appropriate spot for the image. Use the `` element with the `src` attribute to reference the image file URL or path. Make sure to provide alternative text for accessibility using the `alt` attribute.

5. Commit and Push the Changes

After adding the external image, it's time to commit the changes. Run the following command to add the modified file(s) to the staging area:

git add file-name

Replace `file-name` with the actual name of the file you modified. Then, commit the changes with a descriptive message:

git commit -m "Added external image to web page"

Finally, push the changes to your forked repository using:

git push origin branch-name

6. Submit a Pull Request

With the changes pushed to your forked repository, go to the original project repository on GitHub. You should see a notification prompting you to compare and submit a pull request. Click on it and provide a descriptive title and comment explaining the purpose of your pull request. Review the changes, ensure everything looks good, and submit the pull request.

7. Await Review and Merge

Once your pull request is submitted, the project maintainers will review your changes. They may provide feedback or ask for modifications. Be patient and responsive during this process. If your changes are approved, the maintainers will merge them into the project repository, and your external image will be added to the web page.

By following these steps, you can make a pull request for adding an external image to a web page and contribute to the development of a website in a collaborative manner. Remember to follow any guidelines or conventions set by the project maintainers and communicate openly throughout the process.


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