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New Tracks and Content Updates on Hyperskill January 2024

Today we’re excited to share with you the latest Hyperskill updates, your go-to online place for learning all about programming! Not only Hyperskill has even more fun topics and awesome projects than ever, but we've also made different tracks from our 50+ track selection even better. Let's explore these new changes that make learning programming with Hyperskill super interesting and enjoyable!


Java for Full Stack Developers

If you're eager to broaden your skills and become a full stack engineer, our Java Full Stack Developer track is the perfect choice. This track features 18 hands-on projects and more than 100 educational topics that will teach you to deploy applications and use them freely in backend or frontend workflows. 

Spring Framework

The Spring framework is a powerful tool for building web applications, primarily used in backend development. If you're new to the Spring framework, start with the Introduction to Spring Boot. This track was updated to include the most relevant information and now covers all the essentials of this popular Java framework in a user-friendly manner. Additionally, Spring Security for Backend Developers has been updated to Spring Security 6, ensuring it remains a valuable and up-to-date resource for your learning journey.


Python Algorithms and OOP

First things first, two of our Python tracks have seen major glow-ups. Python with Algorithms for Job Interviews and Python OOP tracks are more streamlined and focused on helping you crush your coding interviews. We’ve also added certificates of completion to these tracks, so you can showcase your learning achievements on a resume or social media. 

Python for Backend Developers with Flask

As a special treat for aspiring backend developers, we proudly present two new Flask tracks: Introduction to Flask and Python Backend Developer with Flask. While they are both still in beta testing, they already include everything you need to try your hand at Flask or master the Flask framework completely. We've expanded the content of the Python Backend Developer track to make it your go-to choice for beginning a career in backend development. This updated track now includes essential command-line skills, software methodologies, and algorithms to enhance your performance in job interviews.

Essentials for Backend Developers

While we are on the topic of backend development, we’ve updated several tracks vital to your journey of becoming a full-fledged backend developer.

If you're eager to delve deeper into SQL and gain practical skills in database creation for your future career, join our SQL for Backend Developers track. This track has been updated and finalized, now offering an excellent opportunity to grow your skills and knowledge.

Alternatively, if you're interested in exploring NoSQL databases, check out Introduction to MongoDB. This short track will take only 5 hours of your time, but will provide in-depth insights into the architecture of MongoDB and practical knowledge on how to effectively use it in your professional projects.


We are excited to announce the final updates for the Introduction to Git and Introduction to Docker tracks. Now, you have the option to earn a certificate of completion, demonstrating your proficiency in these essential DevOps technologies and paving the way for your career as a DevOps engineer.

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Machine Learning and Data Science

Upgrade alert! The Introduction to Linear Algebra track has evolved into Linear Algebra for Data Science (beta). Now, this track is an all-encompassing resource for data scientists, data analysts, and ML engineers. We've also added the Introduction to Linear Algebra track, an easier and shorter alternative that covers the basics needed to kickstart your career in data analysis, data engineering, machine learning, game development, and more.

If you're looking to deepen your understanding of data analysis and NLP, our Pandas for Data Analysis track is an excellent next step. This track teaches you how to proficiently manipulate data using the Python Pandas library, a crucial skill for anyone in the data industry.


The Frontend Core track has been thoroughly updated and renamed to Frontend Developer to better convey its purpose. We feel that the new name better reflects the track's focus on helping you develop job-ready frontend skills for your web development career.


Introduction to Kotlin

If you're new to software development and unsure about starting with Kotlin, try the newly updated Introduction to Kotlin track. It covers all the up-to-date Kotlin essentials and now features a certificate of completion that you can use to highlight your learning achievements.

Android Development with Kotlin

Interested in pursuing a career in mobile development? We’ve updated the Android Developer with Kotlin track to suit your learning needs even better. Through this track, you'll work on various projects using Android Studio, gaining skills that will bring you closer to becoming a mobile developer. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to learn the basics of Kotlin, further enhancing your expertise in the field.


We are happy to introduce the updated Go Core track and the freshly launched Introduction to Go (beta)! Fine-tuned and up-to-date tracks offer a smoother and more user-friendly learning experience for those aiming to become software engineers using Google's Go language. If you're looking to explore the basics of Go, try the new track, or stick with Go Core for a comprehensive understanding of this language developed by Google.

Note: Make sure to enable beta mode in your profile settings to explore these updates, as some tracks are still in beta.

We hope that you’ll enjoy your journey with Hyperskill in 2024. Keep learning and stay awesome!

Your Hyperskill Team

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Wide range of learning tracks for beginners and experienced developers
Study at your own pace with your personal study plan
Focus on practice and real-world experience
Andrei Maftei
It has all the necessary theory, lots of practice, and projects of different levels. I haven't skipped any of the 3000+ coding exercises.