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How to Get a Job in Tech

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal" (Henry Ford).

The IT industry is renowned for its rapid growth, innovation, and potential for a fulfilling career.

 Looking for your first job in the field of computer science can be a daunting task, whether you're a recent graduate or someone looking to switch careers. The job-hunting process can be discouraging, but I'd like to offer a few ideas that might help you. Of course, finding a job is up to you, but hopefully, these tips will make the process easier.

Before I move on, I'd like to encourage you to ponder the answer to the question: why do you want a tech career? This matter, I'd say, is fundamental. Depending on the answer you give yourself, it will depend on whether it's worth doing what I write about next. To put it another way, are you 100% sure you want to work in this industry? What do you know about it?

Is your motivation purely financial? The tech industry pays well, and some people even think the salaries are too high compared to other sectors. While compensation is significant, it's not enough for growth in this field. Finding your first tech job is just the beginning; the real question is whether you can advance in your career.

So, is there something beyond the money that makes you want to become part of this world? Assuming that if you're reading on, the answer was: "yes".


Great. However, let's move to what I would call a reality check. Does your idea of what you will be doing reflect what the job looks like in the position you want to hold?

You answered "yes" again. How do you know? If you know someone who does what you would like to do, it's a good idea to talk to them.

This statement highlights the significance of considering the perspective of an individual who is not just employed in the technology industry but also finds contentment in their work. It is worth acknowledging that a person who has experienced burnout in this profession may present negative aspects that are not entirely accurate. However, such feedback can also be valuable as it can shed light on the harsher realities of the job.

Yes, we have many places where we can ask any question, including work-related (the first thing that comes to my mind is, for example, Quora). Still, I'm not 100% convinced whether the opinion of random people from the internet, whose experience and motives are hard to assess, is better than what someone we know would say. I prefer the latter...

It's important to clarify one more issue at the very beginning - do you enjoy consistently learning, not just from time to time? In every profession, we need to educate ourselves continually, and this is particularly true in the tech industry, where the amount of new things to master is incredibly high, and our knowledge becomes outdated very quickly. We'll discuss this further later on.

Let's move on to ideas on what you can do while looking for jobs in tech.

Define Your Niche

The tech industry is vast. From programming to data analysis, from UX/UI design to IT support, cybersecurity, and product management, the list goes on.

Start by learning primary programming languages and the various roles in the field, understanding their requirements, and assessing where your interest lies.

If you've done the "homework" I asked for at the beginning and answered my questions, this task should be relatively easy.

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Educate Yourself

When it comes to learning, you have quite a few different options.

Traditional Education: a degree in computer science can be helpful, although companies that require it tend to treat it (rather) as a necessary but not sufficient condition, and most I know are more interested in what you can do, not whether you have a diploma from university X.

A diploma signifies the completion of coursework, dedication, and expertise in a specific field. There are many reasons to consider you a potential candidate, especially if your competition cannot boast of such. On the other hand, if you don't want to dedicate as much time as your studies require or can't afford it, don't worry. The Tech industry is more meritocratic than most; at the end of the day, your skills matter (but not just technical, interpersonal too, which can be a challenge for many "geeks").

Bootcamps: opinions vary, both on specific training programs and the level of graduates from such courses.

Given that I work for such an organization (by the way, I was also an academic teacher for years), I don't want to mainly persuade you to take this path or advise against it here. However, I do encourage you to meticulously check the profile of a specific Bootcamp, as well as get to know the opinions of people who have completed it and found a job afterward. It can be a quick way to enter the industry, but there are dishonest companies that promise a lot of services and offer little, so caveat emptor.

Online courses: The internet allows us to self-educate in any field, and very often, this knowledge will be available to you practically for free.

Build a Portfolio

This is especially important for roles like web developers, designers, and content creators. A portfolio showcases your technical skills, projects, and what you can bring to the table. Even if you're aiming for non-creative roles, having a personal website or a GitHub repository can give potential employers a deeper insight into your capabilities.


Attend tech meetups, conferences, and workshops. Networking doesn't mean handing out business cards; it's about building genuine relationships. Remember, many job openings aren't advertised and come through referrals, even the most easy entry-level tech jobs.

Tailor Your Resume and Cover Letter

Tech companies receive thousands of job applications. Make yours stand out: list your strong technical skills, and don't forget to mention soft skills.

Prepare for the Interview

Tech Interviews: depending on the role, you may face technical tests. For developers, various platforms can help in preparing for coding challenges.

Behavioral Interviews: companies often want to know how you handle challenges, teamwork, and failures. Prepare by formulating answers using the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result).

Research the Company: understand its products, mission, and recent news. This will allow you to ask insightful questions and showcase genuine interest.

Stay Updated

Tech is an ever-evolving field. Follow industry news, blogs, and forums. Engage in continuous learning to keep your skills fresh and relevant. 

Be Persistent!

Rejection is part of the job search. Instead of getting disheartened, seek feedback, refine your approach, and keep applying. Remember, every "no" gets you closer to "yes."

Consider Internships or Entry-Level Roles

If you find it challenging to land a full-time role, consider internships or entry-level positions. They can provide invaluable experience, help you build connections, and often lead to full-time opportunities.

Look Beyond the Big Names

While companies like Google, Apple, or Amazon might be dream workplaces for many, thousands of smaller tech companies, startups, and non-profits offer fantastic opportunities. Broaden your search and keep an open mind. Believe me when I say there are thousands of software development companies out there, so keep looking for new job postings.


Breaking into the tech industry requires skills, networking, and perseverance. Although the journey may pose challenges, the rewards, both in terms of job satisfaction and compensation, are undoubtedly worth the effort. It's crucial to maintain a sense of curiosity, continue learning, and remember that the tech industry values problem-solvers and innovators. Adopting this mindset during your job search will set you on the path to a thriving tech career.

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Andrei Maftei
It has all the necessary theory, lots of practice, and projects of different levels. I haven't skipped any of the 3000+ coding exercises.
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